I wanted to add the new tutorials on https://datasette.io/tutorials to the search index that is used by the https://datasette.io/-/beta search engine.
To do this, I needed the content of those tutorials in a SQLite database table. But the tutorials are implemented as static pages in templates/pages/tutorials - so I needed to crawl that content and insert it into a table.
I ended up using a combination of the datasette.client
mechanism (documented here), Beautiful Soup and sqlite-utils - all wrapped up in a Python script that's now called as part of the GitHub Actions build process for the site.
I'm also using configuration directory mode.
Here's the annotated script:
import asyncio
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
from datasette.app import Datasette
import pathlib
import sqlite_utils
# This is an async def function because it needs to call await ds.client
async def main():
db = sqlite_utils.Database("content.db")
# We need to simulate the full https://datasette.io/ site - including all
# of its custom templates and plugins. On the command-line we would do this
# by running "datasette ." - using configuration directory mode. This is
# the equivalent of that when constructing the Datasette object directly:
ds = Datasette(config_dir=pathlib.Path("."))
# Equivalent of fetching the HTML from https://datasette.io/tutorials
index_response = await ds.client.get("/tutorials")
index_soup = Soup(index_response.text, "html5lib")
# We want to crawl the links inside <div class="content"><ul>...<a href="">
tutorial_links = index_soup.select(".content ul a")
for link in tutorial_links:
# For each one fetch the HTML, e.g. from /tutorials/learn-sql
tutorial_response = await ds.client.get(link["href"])
# The script should fail loudly if it encounters a broken link
assert tutorial_response.status_code == 200
# Now we can parse the page and extract the <h1> and <div class="content">
soup = Soup(tutorial_response.text, "html5lib")
# Beautiful Soup makes extracting text easy:
title = soup.select("h1")[0].text
body = soup.select(".content")[0].text
# Insert this into the "tutorials" table, creating it if it does not exist
"path": link["href"],
"title": title,
"body": body.strip(),
# Treat path, e.g. /tutorials/learn-sql, as the primary key
# This will over-write any existing records with the same path
if __name__ == "__main__":
# This idiom executes the async function in an event loop:
It's then added to the search index by this Dogsheep Beta search configuration fragment:
sql: |-
path as key,
body as search_1,
1 as is_public
display_sql: |-
body, :q
) as snippet
tutorials.path = :key
display: |-
<h3>Tutorial: <a href="{{ key }}">{{ title }}</a></h3>
<p>{{ display.snippet|safe }}</p>
See Building a search engine for datasette.io for more details on exactly how this works.