Issue #193 indicates that the Windows binary here may have issues (as of 3/10/2020 9:00 AM EDT). Testing also shows that the macOS binary is also having issues.
As of 3/11/2020 - 10:42 AM EDT the macOS binary has been repaired and works on macOS Catalina. Waiting testing for the Windows binary.
- 05bb6f3 Updated license for 2020 copyright
- 2470fbf Updating install script to correct for errors
- a722836 Switched it so docs get built on non-tagged releases
- 7d36951 Updated title page of SHARPpy documentation
- 73e6614 Updated install for documentation
- d4ac26d README badges and text updated
- b9ab175 Updating azure-pipelines.yml for master branch
- d281348 fixing .travis.yml for the master branch
- b6b5567 Fixed .travis.yml version
- 94bac24 Merge pull request #192 from sharppy/andover
See More
- 1b50cdb Merge branch 'master' into andover
- 0403185 Fixed issues in install.rst
- ebb2637 Updated meta.yaml with versions 1.17 for numpy and at least 3.6 for python
- 7408fc3 Updated install to recommend using conda envrionments
- 2242108 Updated install to dissuade people from using pip for now
- 616d3b8 Merge pull request #188 from brettjrob/patch-1
- 710ba6c Fix data point skipping on hodo
- a7f73db Merge branch 'andover' of /~ into andover
- c34f936 Updated to force using PySide2 in QtPy
- 02a0f3f Switched numpy requirement to >=1.15 as I don't think 1.17 tests were working
- c15f9d7 Bumped up numpy version to 1.17 in travis and >=1.15 in .yml
- ddea6f8 Removed command to create screenshot.png
- e1fd063 Rebuilding new docs and building test Win10 binary
- 9f5d54f Debug off in Win binaries to address Issue #182 and #178
- 278699b Added to documentation about need to delete ~/.sharppy in new version
- e85e27a Included tags in azure pipelines
- 4498eb0 Told azure pipelines to build on all tags
- e77dd82 Added a condition to deploy binaries to github if tagged
- 361df21 Disabled PyPI and build binaries only on tagged release
- 6278c69 Switched travis to only deploy on tags
- 357c6ca Removed HWT and GOES datasources
- 19b12b4 Fixed binary issue where preferences images weren't loading
- d1423f4 trying to get conda to have both 3.6 and 3.7
- 143a050 Trying to deploy to conda again
- afbb31c Building for py36 and py37 now
- b53e118 Building conda for both py37 and py36
- 0bfa174 Switched tags to false on conda and docs build
- b7d4076 now works w conda and installs .sharppy dir
- a117d1c Including *csv and *xml in package data now
- 7cfd882 SHARPpy for Win10 binary build working now
- 3a0a93f Testing py36 for win build and ssl output
- 2372ae9 Fixing pathex to correct runsharp dir for macOS bin creation
- 16e4531 Trying to get pyinstaller on macOS to recognize the full_gui again
- 1cf83d3 Trying to fix certifi failing to execute error on Win10
- a5405e2 Set azure pipelines to build only on tagged releases
- fd8b0c5 building only on tags now
- 9c338ee Put message about netCDF to logs
- 5c8c62e Modified docs for upcoming beta release
- 49415ff Fixed extra dependency in sharppy meta.yaml (qtpy)
- d9630a3 Modifying dependencies for sharppy package
- 7d51110 Changed name of sharppy utils to sutils due to naming issue
- 8b7183a Test to build & deploy conda package on CI
- 05d63fa Attempting to deploy to conda and stop win binary debug trace
- 98027a2 Fixing the conda yml files for CI testing
- 3980a2d Fixed bad call to the Windows environment file
- 7eb7be0 Cut down on Travis CI responsiblities
- 693f1d7 Azure should use custom environment.yml for Windows build
- ecdfc4b Updated .spec to handle the rc files (not working yet)
- b372578 Fixed changelog so docs don't build weird
- cf52d1f Added dependency of certifi to conda
- 87a419c Fixed stupid syntax error of else not having :
- 114d340 Added pyside2=5.12 from conda to environment to test deployment
- be84648 Removed console=True from .spec in prep for deployment
- 12cac82 Added log file auto deletion
- 7576b7f Removed call to depreciated grabWidget
- f70d4ca Added logging exception tracking to a few try/excepts
- 5a66959 Added exception debug statements for more binary debugging
- 5d1f04b Added certificate verification to decoder
- ca27e98 Directed urlopen to cafile from certifi
- 8d9ef9a installing certifi via pip to fix SSL certificate error in macOS binary
- a49ac39 Modifying environment to try to get openssl to work
- 93718a9 Trying to connect to SPC using https in standard.xml
- 505facd Fixed errors in code.
- 0cb4922 Writing URLErrors to log file to debug macOS binary
- bf67c52 Testing macOS binary creation fix
- bf7dc12 trying to see if PySide2 from pip fixes windows binary build
- cb73446 Merge branch 'andover' of into andover
- 7a56b46 This bug somehow hung around - this line is needed to be able to read profiles saved by the user
- 29d2ae0 Merge branch 'andover' of /~ into andover
- 7690e09 Updated docs to include IEM HRRR archive
- a71dac7 Updated data sources to include HRRR IEM archive
- 5bc9f22 Trying new pyinstaller specs to debug binary build
- 7497cd9 Removed extra lines from full_gui
- 0ab26b6 Removed print statements from ver_updates
- d1c0366 Updated docs
- a21583d Fixed doc formatting issue
- b333bf6 Fixed formatting issue with docs
- d3e40e0 Disabled appveyor
- b812657 Took out bash init
- 2710122 Updated docs
- e382bac Added extra dummy checks to Profile object
- c6ac43a Fixed coastlines issue in map
- ca07012 Updated README to remove extra Numpy
- bcc3d96 Fix in using ma.log10 for Issue #168
- 4cd3db8 Removed 'stop' from the osX spec
- ea855d4 Trying to add abs paths in pathex in .spec
- 949da80 Trying to build binaries
- 0fa8cd1 Fixed syntax error in bash script
- 7f80bc6 Trying to build docs again
- b52cbaa Fixing issue where sharppy wasn't installed so docs couldn't build
- 1535c3b Trying to source the environment on travis CI now
- 6d8582e Try to build docs on macOS on Travis
- bbc1f73 trying to build docs again
- c3fb146 Changed to source de/activate in
- ee235cf Trying to use conda init bash command recommened by Travis
- fe50259 Trying new workflow for building docs
- dbe6e32 Removed conda deployments with 32-bit architecture
- 950b541 Merge branch 'andover' of /~ into andover
- 329ee30 Fixed map viz issue where borders and dots were too large
- c7b80c1 Merge pull request #172 from wblumberg/andover
- dbcc7e9 Updated azure-pipelines to fix macOS binary artifact and output screenshots
- 7bc3147 Updated conda recipe to include PySide 2
- f340292 Removed sphinx-gallery because Qt was conflicting with PySide2
- 4585a09 Turned off display on Travis CI
- 065d33e Modified tests on Travis CI
- d34ea02 Fixing Travis CI install script to support PySide2
- 23e6fbc Hopefully fixed continuous integration stuff
- 696c3a9 Tested azure-pipelines
- b2bcb27 Fixed some of the full_gui syntax issues with Pyside2
- 61a09b3 Tried making title font larger
- e761bce Removed pyside1 dependency from
- d59336a environment.yml works to create SHARPpy dev environ
- 8ac0893 Merged from andover
- 888b2bf Submit tests to azure
- b84c6e0 Changed install to include a note about binaries
- 22e3563 New icons
- 0dba084 Forcing environment.yml to be py36
- 95b09af Forcing environment.yml to be py34
- 434dd47 changing azure install method
- 46a47b1 Fixing env.yml
- f2cb91d Adding conda to PATH in Azure
- fc27d63 Trying to use different conda syntax in Azure
- ae6f43b Changed win install
- 2c2d36e Changed image of windows
- c2bc5ce Changed image of windows
- fbec0be Changed image of windows
- 0d4af32 Fixed bug in spec
- 43fc017 Testing build on azure pipelines again
- c8a80f2 Testing deployment - changing path in .spec
- 62a7a7c installing from anaconda
- d61f59f Trying to get to stay installed
- a88967d trying something new
- 02aced1 Binaries still not being built correctly
- b14ebe9 Installing directly to conda env and fixing build artifacts
- a294104 Fixing zipping path on Win and trying to get OSX to recognize
- c0d2c45 Fixed icons path and permissions issue with installing
- 1563b55 spec file ignores pycache and install on Azure OS X
- 77a8aed CI Test: Running pyinstaller from inside runsharp
- 7a1df6c testing install to see if it helps pyinstaller build binaries
- c1d16e3 Fixed import error in Windows spec
- dd15cc5 Modified some scripts - trying to get PyInstaller to see Pyside, etc.
- 2a78bd4 Changed build path in copy
- 25bb133 New tests for azure for deployment
- 45d6a6c Fixing pytest call and artifacts waiting script
- 052c8a5 Test: Azure CIs wait for all artifacts, publish pytest results, debug pyinstaller
- 4deda37 fixed azure-pipelines.yml formatting issue
- 52fcec2 Trying to deploy zip files of binaries using Azure
- f79066f Changing repo name in azure yml - test
- a9b278c testing azure deploy using azure-test tag
- e68c691 Trying again
- 430d787 Fixed issue with Azure .yml
- ed2fe2d Testing deployment to Github Releases using Azure
- 2cba2e8 try to build win binary on azure
- 914fe45 Trying to revert to the older appveyor versions when it worked
- 50c4ff1 moved pyinstaller to after_test in appveyor
- 8588c8e Troubleshooting binary build on appveyor
- f073004 updated ver_updates imports
- 5fcb734 Updated .spec files to handle versioneer
- 42e63db Cleaning up docs and conda build...test docs
- ffa983b testing deploy for docs and conda on TravisCI
- d142a7e Got conda-build working again
- 34a7730 Changed version string in .travis.yml
- 29f0700 Modified build_docs to install sphinx differently
- 9db4f00 tried to reformat meta.yaml - conda still not building
- 93fb378 No significant changes to line ending adjustment
- 1b33954 updates to .spec - not working for OSX
- eb00b71 Added uwyo_decoder to io init
- 1ab3858 removed print statments from
- 5b1a3ec trying to fix deployment pipeline
- 9b591f5 Trying to fix the cd dist issue
- 82457c9 Updated CHANGELOG and ci/README
- 03ed4b8 added README to ci directory for other developers
- 8a2f4ce Updated conda recipe and to handle dependencies
- 0e39105 Updated install to have new dependencies
- 02f4f75 Updated README to have Azure badge and new dependencies
- 934ddaf Added comments to azure yml
- b334dd5 Removed quote from yml
- c80cc6e Trying to run powershell screen res change
- 8b80a19 trying to see if this windows images supports resolution changes
- 35fa42d Trying to switch screen res on Windows and Mac
- d55ab67 Trying to get windows screen resolution to change
- b4ae265 Testing setting screen res on AzureCIs
- df71071 Testing Azure to handle different screen sizes
- d650f58 trying artifact deploy
- 7c096f8 trying publish of artifacts
- fca176c fixed syntax error
- a72fd1e test publish gui images
- 427ef11 starting Xvfb on Linux Azure
- 1ba2105 Windows should pass now
- 6fe6e47 Trying to get Linux OS working:
- cc2e6b0 test decoders split up and try except in uwyo for Azure
- 7b513fa Stopping test of UWYO decoder so Windows Azure works
- e7fd6e8 Testing Azure Linux OS
- 57ec250 New script format worked to install
- 2fe5834 Trying new script format
- 70e6679 trying to fix permissions of entire miniconda directory
- 6f54cc5 Fixed conditionals
- d0f5d96 Trying again
- 1e0d353 Fixing conda permissions
- 1db172a Trying to get install across all OSes on Azure
- 65b2d69 Added setuptools and more sudo
- 22a4c6d Forcing install via sudo
- 9d4bf33 Trying to get SHARPpy installed on Azure
- adb81db Fixed pip install
- 8255276 telling azure to use conda-forge
- e830e43 Trying to get Azure to install packages
- 29c8bdc Trying to fix syntax
- 72859ff Trying to get Azure to load
- e3fb8df Added Azure CI yml
- cea6772 Fixed dependency to python-dateutil b/c TravisCI failing
- 9297c50 Trying the appveyor screen resizing script
- 91c9284 Added dateutil to conda install on CI
- 2baa231 removed nose install in ci/install
- 2de2820 Added install of requests package from conda - maybe fix import error of full_gui
- f8c0340 Testing cmd line util to make test artifact
- c10817c Updated environment.yml
- 8c48b26 Added to runsharp to see if this helps imports on test
- f2ed025 Made test images artifacts for inspection
- 867e45b Fixed Windows-only AttributeError bug in
- 8aa85f1 removed coverage from appveyor tests
- 8484383 Enabling Appveyor pytests
- faec5be Added some comments to test_binary
- 07ee41c updated coveragerc to include runsharp and datasources for testing
- 1e6fc7d Added tests for ProfCollection in test_decoders
- 103dd2f Bug fix for trying to plot masked value critical angle in hodo
- 30d91bf updated import statement
- 4ca8cb0 removed inquality that was causing deprication warning
- 3cbb28e created new tests for winds, GUI, SARS, and binaries
- 96344ed Added SHERBE calculation to ConvectiveProfile
- 525f06a Updated comments in SPCWindow
- 1d0d7c2 Renamed SARS cal script
- dcd6be6 Made data_source and .xml handle the start and end times of data for Calendar
- 5187fdc Removed print statement in doCopy
- bbd91fb Updated docs
- 0e00fe3 Added new command line args to
- 17adcca Modified TravisCI to skip binary test on py27
- 1a05f1b Trying to find out CWD of test_binary on CI py27
- 430293f Attempting to fix TravisCI issues
- 33e44e9 Fixed syntax error in full_gui
- b2d7f1d Fixing TravisCI errors
This list of changes was auto generated.