Train or test the model:
- Install the requirements
- Download datasets
- Run for train or test
Error prompt prune:
- Result file without using prompt-QA during MQL prediction. The file is provided in "./saved_models/2024Jan26-121420_rebuttal_SLAKE_No_QA/estimate_results.pkl"
- Result file using prompt-QA during MQL prediction. In this anonymize repository, we provided "./saved_models/2024Jan30-125314_rebuttal_SLAKE_real/estimate_results.pkl". In this results, the answer in prompt-QA is predicted by other single-question-learning model(pesudo label). You can also change to other files.
- The program will generate a "flitered_results_*.txt".
Case accuracy:
- Use the result file, such as "flitered_results_*.txt".
- It generates the case accuracy.
- Remove the lr_decay() if converging is slow.
- The weight and residual operation in are optional.