This is an rpn calclulator with a maximum stack size of 5. It has full support for real and complex numbers and will calculate summary statistics for a set of reals of real pairs. Spaces are important since they are used to distinguish tokens.
This code does not build with the default compiler on most systems; it is only known to build with ifort from Intel's OneAPI or nagfor from NAG (thanks to /~
The Intel compiler if freely available (you'll need both basic and hpc to get the Fortran compiler):
Makefiles are provided that will build this application on Windows or Linux using either nmake or make respectively.
hp -h
Command Calculator
This is a command-line calculator. It supports both real and complex modes, as well
as degrees/radians selection and precision control. It can be run interactively or as an
expression parser. This help is deliberately terse to encourage exploration.
Operators: + - * / ^ ^/x ^x ^2 ^/2 ^3 ^/3 ^*2 ^*10 || ! %
Constants: pi e g G c two_pi pi_over_2
Functions: sin cos tan asin acos atan sinh cosh tanh log2 log lg len sq sqrt cb cbrt
alog2 alog alog10 gamma ncr npr rem int nint
Controls: fix[0-9] clx cl cla
Modes: real complex verbose terse degrees radians
Memories: n=0...9 st<n> sw<n> rc<n> cl<n> m<n>+ m<n>- m<n>* m<n>/ msh
Complex: ri _ || to_pol to_cart
Actions: 1/ -- R r ? > < split drop
Stats: { x1 x2 ... } { x1,y1 x2,y2 ... }
n ux sx mx lqx uqx uy sy my lqy uqy a b cov corr
Quits: q =
hp "fix2 18 2 - 8 2 / * =" -> 64.00
hp "2 -- complex sqrt =" -> (0.00000,-1.414214)
hp -c "radians (1,pi_over_2)p ^ * degrees =" -> (1.000000,180.000000) p
To build with fpm(1) ( as described at Fortran Package Manager ) enter:
git clone /~
cd hp
fpm test --compiler ifort
fpm run --compiler ifort
# or using the response file (saves writing --compiler ifort everywhere)
fpm @build
fpm @test
fpm @run
or just list it as a dependency in your fpm.toml project file.
hp = { git = "/~" }