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Karpenter Provider for Proxmox

On active development


Motivation: I usually have more capacity on bare metal than I actually need. The only time I require extra capacity is during maintenance when I need to migrate workloads to another server. If a service becomes more popular, I simply rent additional servers. In cases where workloads are highly dynamic for short periods, I scale up by provisioning additional nodes from a cloud provider—following a hybrid cloud approach. This strategy is highly cost-effective since bare metal servers are generally cheaper than cloud instances.

When I rent a server, I maximize its utilization by running as many virtual machines (VMs) as the hardware allows, distributing them according to NUMA architecture. This setup works perfect. However, sometimes Kubernetes spreads pods across different VMs, which can negatively impact network performance. Of course, we can use pod affinity to prevent this, but it requires additional management and fine-tuning.

This brings me to an idea: implementing a node autoscaler that can automatically create VMs on my Proxmox cluster as needed. This would eliminate the need to manually run terraform to add nodes, which is not the fastest process.

The benefits of not fully utilizing all bare metal resources include:

  • Power efficiency – Free CPU cores and unused RAM can be switched to power-saving mode.
  • Better CPU frequency boosting – The system has extra power available to boost core frequencies when needed.
  • Automated VM recreation – VMs can be recreated on a schedule for improved manageability or to apply updates.
  • CPU pinning – VMs CPUs pinned to specific CPU cores on the host.
  • NUMA node affinity – VMs can be placed on the same NUMA node for better performance.

In Scope

  • Dynamic creation/termination
  • VM template selection to create kubernetes node
  • The best placement strategy for VMs across zones
  • Firewall security groups
  • Meta/user data delivery by cdrom, or http endpoint
  • VM optimization: CPU pinning and NUMA node affinity
  • VM optimization: Network and storage performance


  • Kubernetes 1.30+
  • Proxmox VE 8+
  • Proxmox CCM plugin



Kerpenter Node Class configuration:

kind: ProxmoxNodeClass
  name: default
  # Proxmox VM template name (required)
  # it must be pre-configured on Proxmox, resources like network, os image, etc.
  template: talos

  # Proxmox VM storage ID to create the VM (required)
  blockDevicesStorageID: zfs

  # PlacementStrategy defines how nodes should be placed across zones (optional)
  placementStrategy: Balanced|AvailabilityFirst

  # Proxmox zone and region (optional)
  Region: region1
  Zone: zone1

  # Tags to apply to the VM on Proxmox Dashboard (optional)
    - k8s
    - karperter

    # How delivery the metadata to the VM, options: template, cdrom or http endpoint
    type: template|cdrom|http

  # Firewall Security Groups to apply to the VM
    - name: kubernetes
      interface: net0

Karpenter Node Pool configuration: For more information, see Karpenter Node Pool

kind: NodePool
  # Node pool name, it uses to create the node name for new VMs
  name: default
    cpu: "64"
    memory: 512Gi

        kind: ProxmoxNodeClass
        name: default
        - key: ""
          operator: In
          values: ["amd64"]


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Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4.



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