Sorts ndarrays in place using a dual pivot quick sort.
var ndarray = require("ndarray")
var ndsort = require("ndarray-sort")
var unpack = require("ndarray-unpack")
//Create an array
var x = ndarray(new Float32Array(60), [20, 3])
for(var i=0; i<20; ++i) {
for(var j=0; j<3; ++j) {
x.set(i,j, Math.random())
//Print out x:
console.log("Unsorted:", unpack(x))
//Sort x
//Print out sorted x:
console.log("Sorted:", unpack(x))
npm install ndarray-sort
Sorts the given array along the first axis in lexicographic order. The sorting is done in place.
is an ndarray
Returns array
Based on Google Dart's dual pivot quick sort implementation by Ola Martin Bini and Michael Haubenwallner. For more information see lib/dart/AUTHORS and lib/dart/LICENSE
JavaScript implementation (c) 2013 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License