Instructions to setup, build and test the application.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
Gradle 4.3
jdk1.8 +
Use the below command to build the project and run unit tests:
// Change directory to application home directory
cd TokBox-BookStore
gradle test
Building and running the application with user values for BookStore(initPrice, discount, floorPrice) and Customer(budget)
gradle run -PrunArgs='<initPrice> <discount> <floorPrice> <budget>'
Specify the arguments as a space separated string with -PrunArgs
TravisCI Open Source TravisCI infrastructure to automate builds on each commit.
Unit Testing: Junit Junit Test Cases for unit testing. Test File: src/Test/java/
Code Coverage: JaCoCo CodeCov Open Source tools JaCoCo and CodeCov to analyse code coverage and publish report on each commit.
- The application uses Singleton Pattern to ensure there is only one instance of the BookStore.
- The BookStore class implements methods declared in the interface. The interface itself can be extended to add other functionalities of large online bookstores.
- All properties of customer and BookStore are assumed to be integers. Change implementation to accomodate floating point values.
- Implement other functionalities of BookStore - Manage Book Inventory, save Customer Purchase History.