A py3status module for displaying a users currently playing song on last.fm
pip install py3status-lastfm
Load module in your py3status configuration file:
order += "lastfm"
Add a lastfm section and configure the module according to the module documentation:
Displays a users currently playing track on last.fm
The username and api_key parameters are required. For the api_key, see https://www.last.fm/sv/api/authentication.
Configuration parameters:
format: Display format (default '{artist} - {title}')
format_stopped: Display format when nothing is playing (default 'nothing playing')
cache_timeout: Refresh interval for this module (default 20)
username: The username of the user to retrieve information for (default None)
api_key: Your last.fm api key (default None)
Format placeholders:
{artist} The currently playing artist
{album} The currently playing album
{title} The currently playing track title
Color options:
color_play: A track is currently playing
color_stop: Nothing is playing
requests: Python module from https://pypi.org/project/requests
@author Samuel Nilsson <samni698@gmail.com>
@license GPLv3