Simple tug-of-war game, built with Phaser.
In your terminal, navigate into your workspace directory and run:
git clone /~
Navigate to the cloned repo's directory and run:
npm install
In the same directory, run:
npm run dev
This will run a server so you can run the game in a browser. It will also start a watch process, so you can change the source and the process will recompile and refresh the browser automatically.
To run the game, open your browser and enter http://localhost:3000 into the address bar.
In the appropriate directory, run:
npm run deploy
This will optimize and minimize the compiled bundle.
Make sure to uncomment the cordova.js file in the src/index.html and to update config.xml with your informations. (name/description...)
More informations about the cordova configuration:
There is 3 platforms actually tested and supported :
- browser
- ios
- android
First run (ios example):
npm run cordova
cordova platform add ios
cordova run ios
Update (ios example):
npm run cordova
cordova platform update ios
cordova run ios
This will optimize and minimize the compiled bundle.
before you get to work you will surely want to check the config file. You could setup dimensions, webfonts, etc