title: dotfiles description: My dotfiles author: Ryan Crosby tags: terminal created: 2012 Feb 19 modified: 2019 Dec 30 ---# dotfiles
These are my dotfiles, I gained much inspiration from Michael Smalley . They are a work in progress, as I am only adding what I understand. There are many dotfile repos out there, but for the most part are filled with adjustments that I never realize. So I am making my own adding only the customizations I want and/or understand.
Also took some inspiration from /~https://github.com/losingkeys/dotfiles for the shell-helpers directory.
ZSH configuration was inspired by http://zanshin.net/2013/02/02/zsh-configuration-from-the-ground-up/.
Dotfile Installation: dotbot
Starship provides the prompt.
Notes from previous self made prompts:
- http://aperiodic.net/phil/prompt/
- http://superuser.com/questions/382503/how-can-i-put-a-newline-in-my-zsh-prompt-without-causing-terminal-redraw-issues
- http://stevelosh.com/blog/2010/02/my-extravagant-zsh-prompt/#current-directory
VIM is mamanged through vundle.
Additionally this has grown into including all machine configuration I use for my development machine. Some usefule utilities I use:
I reference Awesome Lists often to find new useful utilities, apps, scripts, etc.....
Install Xcode
Install Command Line Tools -
xcode-select --install
Install homebrew
Install Fira Code Node Front from Nerd Fonts for Starship and ligatures in IDEs. See also nerd fonts cheat sheet
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts brew install --cask font-fira-code-nerd-font
Configure SSH for GitHub.
Open terminal and run
Install zsh-completions via homebrew
Fix zsh compinit warnings ** https://stackoverflow.com/a/43544733 - compaudit | xargs chmod g-w
Install VS Code (via download)
Install iTerm (via download)
Install asdf via homebrew.
Install asdf-nodejs
Install asdf-yarn
Install asdf-java, use an adopt-open version of java (adoptopenjdk-11.0.6+10.1)
Edit gitconfig of dotfiles repo and set author to email, https://dereenigne.org/git/set-git-email-address-on-a-per-repository-basis/
Open iTerm, and change theme to Solarized Dark, and use Source Code Pro font
> git submodule update --remote dotbot
- Terminal Themes
- Xcode 9 Themes
- Command line documentation should use docopt
- Cheat is used as a command line helper
- Bash Helper
OS X has a utility to help with the PATH environment variable, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9832770/where-is-the-default-terminal-path-located-on-mac