This is a small command-line tool that can move GitHub issues.
It needs a Personal Access Token from GitHub, which can be created
here. The token (probably) needs
Full control of private repositories
(it might be enough with
Access public repositories
, depending on the repository).
Comments will be copied, but labels, milestones or assignees will not.
$ github-issue-mover --from=/~ --to=rolfbjarne/testApp --token=<TOKEN>
✅ Fetching repository info...
Authenticated as: Rolf Bjarne Kvinge (rolfbjarne)
Rate limit: 5000
Remaining: 4847
Reset date: 4/4/2019 9:59:08 AM +00:00
✅ Fetching issue #10 from rolfbjarne/testApp...
✅ Retrieving 1 comments...
✅ Creating new issue in rolfbjarne/testApp...
Copying 1 comment(s)...
✅ Copying comment #1/1...
✅ Copied 1 comment(s) successfully
✅ Adding a comment in the original issue pointing to the new issue...
✅ Closing the original issue...
✅ Completed successfully! New issue: /~
There's also a script whose arguments are slightly faster to type (just pass
the source url and the target org/repo combo), and which reads the token from
$ ./move-github-issue /~ rolfbjarne/testApp
✅ Fetching repository info...
Authenticated as: Rolf Bjarne Kvinge (rolfbjarne)
Rate limit: 5000
Remaining: 4847
Reset date: 4/4/2019 9:59:08 AM +00:00
✅ Fetching issue #10 from rolfbjarne/testApp...
✅ Retrieving 1 comments...
✅ Creating new issue in rolfbjarne/testApp...
Copying 1 comment(s)...
✅ Copying comment #1/1...
✅ Copied 1 comment(s) successfully
✅ Adding a comment in the original issue pointing to the new issue...
✅ Closing the original issue...
✅ Completed successfully! New issue: /~