The dataset was downloaded from the real estate database company Zillow. It was published as a graph, with the availability to download raw data. The dataset was obtained through the download function and was saved as the rent_raw.csv
. This dataset contains the Names of San Francisco Neighborhoods, Region Type, Property Type and Monthly Rent Rates (Nov 2010-Sep 2018).
Two Python (version 3.6) modules were used to prepare the data for further analyses and visualisation:
- Pandas: to create data structures that could be processed and manipulated in Python
- NumPy: to create an array
# Dependencies
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
The data from the rent_raw.csv
file is loaded into a dataframe.
#Create a dataframe from the csv file
rent_df = pd.read_csv("rent_raw.csv")
The columns named Region Type
and Data Type
are not relevant to the analyses and are dropped from the rent_df
rent_df = rent_df.drop(["Region Type", "Data Type"], axis = 1)
To stay consistent with the other csv files in the repository, the Region Name
is renamed as Neighborhood
# Rename the columns
rent_df = rent_df.rename(columns = {"Region Name": "Neighborhood"})
The neighbourhoods are extracted from the dataframe as series.
# Get a series of neighbourhoods
neighborhood = rent_df["Neighborhood"]
To prevent repetitive code in performing the maths, a user-defined function is used. It calculates the totals per neighbourhood, per year. This function, called totals
, filters through the columns to select the last two digits of the year and then conducts a row-wise calculation of sums to get the yearly rate per neighbourhood.
# Create a function that returns the sum per row per year
def totals(df,str): # where str is the last two digits of the year
year = df.filter(regex = str, axis = 1) # filter the columns based on the str
return year.sum(axis = 1) # get the sum per row
The dataframe has monthly rates for seven complete years (i.e., 12 months per year). The last two digits of the years are put into a list and converted into a string. The floats are converted to string because the totals
function recognises the year in string format. Two years, 2010 and 2018, have incomplete data; hence, the data from these years are dropped.
# Create a list of years (with data for 12 months)
year_list = list(np.arange(11,18)) # creates a list of floats covering the year range of rent_df
year_list_str = [str(item) for item in year_list] # converts numbers to string
To get calculate the yearly rent rates, the function totals
is iterated through the list of years, generating an array.
# Create an array of yearly rates per neighbourhood using the totals function
yearly_rate = [totals(rent_df,year) for year in year_list_str]
The dataframe to be generated needs to have "Neighborhood" and the years (2011–2017) as the keys and the yearly rates as the values. To create a list of keys, the prefix "20" was added to each item in the year_list_str
list. Then, "Neighborhood" was added at the 0th position in the list of keys.
# Create a list of keys by adding "20" to the last two digits of the year
keys = year_list_str
keys = ["Rent_20" + key for key in keys]
# Insert Neighbourhood as a key
To create a list of values, the list of neighbourhoods is added to the array of yearly rates.
# Create a list of values by adding the neighbourhood series to the yearly_rate array
values = yearly_rate
The keys and values lists are then zipped into a dictionary and made into a dataframe called year_rent_df
# Create a dataframe containing the yearly rates from 2011 to 2017 for the 62 neighbourhoods in SF
year_rent_df = pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(keys, values)))
Avg Price Per Year
column was created and calculated among years 2011-2017 and added into DataFrame. Column City
was added to specify the locations of Neighborhoods.
#Calculating Avg Rent Price Per Year
#and adding column 'City' to specify the location of neighborhood (San Francisco)
year_rent_df["City"] = "San Francisco"
for row in year_rent_df["Neighborhood"]:
year_rent_df["Avg Rent"] = round(year_rent_df.mean(axis = 1), 2)
New dependencies were imported.
#Importing dependencies to make a request for Lat and Lng
import requests
import json
from config import api_key
Geocoding was used to obtain Coordinates(Lat & Lng) for each Neighborhood. API key is not provided in this repo due to safety purposes.
# create a params
params = {"key": api_key}
# Loop through the year_rent_df and run a lat/long search for each neighborhood
for index, row in year_rent_df.iterrows():
base_url = ""
neighborhood = row["Neighborhood"]
city = row["City"]
# update address key value
params['address'] = f"{neighborhood},{city}"
# make request
lat_lng = requests.get(base_url, params=params)
# convert to json
lat_lng = lat_lng.json()
#inserting coordinates to assigned columns
year_rent_df.loc[index, "Lat"] = lat_lng["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lat"]
year_rent_df.loc[index, "Lng"] = lat_lng["results"][0]["geometry"]["location"]["lng"]
The first five lines of the dataframe year_rent_df
looks like this:
Neighborhood | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | Avg Price Per Year | City | Lat | Lng | |
0 | Bayview | 30723 | 28821 | 30433 | 35338 | 42870 | 45681 | 45747 | 37087.571429 | San Francisco | 37.7304 | -122.384 |
1 | Bernal Heights | 34471 | 35739 | 38924 | 43654 | 53977 | 54833 | 53741 | 45048.428571 | San Francisco | 37.7389 | -122.415 |
2 | Buena Vista | 42407 | 45678 | 49364 | 53889 | 61646 | 65690 | 61917 | 54370.142857 | San Francisco | 37.8065 | -122.421 |
3 | Corona Heights | 41051 | 44269 | 48263 | 52768 | 61781 | 64072 | 59849 | 53150.428571 | San Francisco | 37.7618 | -122.443 |
4 | Cow Hollow | 52856 | 52816 | 56455 | 62256 | 75947 | 78557 | 71952 | 64405.571429 | San Francisco | 37.798 | -122.44 |
This dataframe can now be saved as yearly_rent.csv
in the Data folder.