Preliminary release of the code from the paper "Playing Text-Adventure Games with Graph-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning ", Prithviraj Ammanabrolu and Mark O. Riedl, NAACL-HLT 2019, Minneapolis, MN -, ACL Anthology
title = "Playing Text-Adventure Games with Graph-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning",
author = "Ammanabrolu, Prithviraj and
Riedl, Mark",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North {A}merican Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)",
month = jun,
year = "2019",
address = "Minneapolis, Minnesota",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
pages = "3557--3565",
abstract = "Text-based adventure games provide a platform on which to explore reinforcement learning in the context of a combinatorial action space, such as natural language. We present a deep reinforcement learning architecture that represents the game state as a knowledge graph which is learned during exploration. This graph is used to prune the action space, enabling more efficient exploration. The question of which action to take can be reduced to a question-answering task, a form of transfer learning that pre-trains certain parts of our architecture. In experiments using the TextWorld framework, we show that our proposed technique can learn a control policy faster than baseline alternatives. We have also open-sourced our code at /~",
Disclaimer: Code is not upkept
- Games are created using Textworld's
as specified in the paper. - Pre-training is done using DrQA by generating traces using the WalkthroughAgent in Textworld.
- These traces consist of pairs of (observation, action) pairs which are then used to train DrQA by asking the question of "What action do I take?"
- Run
python scripts/ <game-directory> oracle
thenpython scripts/
to generate the .json files required to train DrQA- Then use the .json files with 100 dimensional GloVe embeddings to run
in the DrQA repo - Other hyper parameters for DrQA are (insert into
in the DrQA repo)
'doc_hidden_size': 64, 'doc_layers': 3, 'doc_dropout_rnn': 0.2, 'doc_dropout_rnn_output': True, 'doc_concat_rnn_layers': True, 'doc_rnn_padding': True
- Then use the .json files with 100 dimensional GloVe embeddings to run
- Code is run using an Anaconda environment for Python 3.6. The environment is defined in env.yml. Run
conda env create -f env.yml
and thensource activate kgdqn
to enter the correct environment. - Baseline BOW-DQN implementation is in
- KG-DQN implementation is in
, - Download CoreNLP from here and the corresponding English model .jar files
- Run it with
java -mx6g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000
- Run it with
are required and are the dictionaries for the vocab and full action set for the specific gamew2id
is the vocabulary and can be extracted from the .z8 game file that is given bytw-make
, adding two additional tokens in the form of <UNK> and <PAD> in the 0th and 1st indices.- act2id can also be generated by using a union of all admissible actions found using the both the walkthrough agent and random agent to explore the world.
- Similarly,
defines the entities and relations that can be extracted by OpenIE for the game in a dictionary format- These are also extracted by running both the walkthrough agents and random agents with just the triple extraction process found in
and enumerating all entities and relations found. Entities and relations not in these files at test time are ignored.
- These are also extracted by running both the walkthrough agents and random agents with just the triple extraction process found in
- Run
python scripts/ <game-directory> collect
to generateentity2id.tsv relation2id.tsv act2id.txt
- For both games, run using
after defining the required parameters and game