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Translation Template
The following table can be used to translate the application. If you are interested in a translation, please open a new Issue in the bug tracker with the label 'translation'. Please define the translated language as well in the title or text of the issue. It is important to know whether a special dialect is translated (e.g. Portuguese [PT-pt] vs Brazilian Portuguese [PT-br]).
Please make sure that all texts with curly brackets (e.g. {1}) are also with the same number of brackte pairs in the translation. Each bracket pair is a variable that is replaced during runtime of the application. A mismatch may lead to a crash of the application. Please also consider the punctuation. A trailing dot (.) may indicate that the text is concatenated to a bigger whole sentence.
If you are a .NET developer, you can also create a copy of Resources.resx (in the Properties folder) for to translate the terms. Pull requests are welcome. Alternatively, a spreadsheet or text file with the translations can be attached in the issue.
The console application TranslationHelper can also be used to export translation stings form the current application version.
Please, don't hesitate to ask in the issue, if the context of a term is not clear
For a translation is just a copy of the whole table below (with name and translation column necessary) necessary.
This table is also available as Excel file, as well as an independent file with comments, assigned to the keys / names (since comments are not available by code, calling items from a .resx file).
Name (mandatory) | Default Text | Translation | Comment |
AboutAuthor | Author | Label in the about dialog; Should be quite short | |
AboutCloseButton | Close | Label in the about dialog; Should be quite short | |
AboutDate | Date | Label in the about dialog; Should be quite short | |
AboutDescription | Media Extractor is an application to preview and extract packed media in Microsoft Office files (e.g. Word, PowerPoint or Excel documents) or common archives (e.g. zip, 7z or tar) | The descriptions in the about dialog warps. However, if too long, the text will be truncated | |
AboutHeader | About Media-Extractor | Window title of the about dialog | |
AboutLicense | License | Label in the about dialog; Should be quite short | |
AboutVersion | Version | Label in the about dialog; Should be quite short | |
AboutWebsite | Website | Label in the about dialog; Should be quite short | |
ButtonOpen | Open Document | Button Text; Should be quite short | |
ButtonSave | Save File(s) | Button Text; Should be quite short | |
ButtonSaveAll | Save all Files | Button Text; Should be quite short | |
ButtonSaveSelected | Save selected File(s) | Button Text; Should be quite short | |
CrcDescription | CRC32 (cyclic redundancy check) is a simple hashing method to compare whether data or files are identical. However, CRC does not provide a 100% guarantee that two files are identical. But it is a strong evidence if the size of both files are identical and no malicious tampering is to be expected. | The descriptions in baloon tooltip warps. However, if too long, the text will be truncated | |
DialogButtonCancel | Cancel Extraction | Button Text; Should be quite short | |
DialogButtonCancelTooltip | Cancel the extraction | Button tooltip | |
DialogButtonOverwrite | Overwrite | Button Text; Should be quite short | |
DialogButtonOverwriteTooltip | Replace the existing file | Button tooltip | |
DialogButtonRename | Rename | Button Text; Should be quite short | |
DialogButtonRenameTooltip | Rename the new file | Button tooltip | |
DialogButtonSkip | Skip | Button Text; Should be quite short | |
DialogButtonSkipTooltip | Skip the extraction of the file | Button tooltip | |
DialogCancelTitle | Canceled | Dialog Title | |
DialogErrorTitle | Error | Dialog Title | |
DialogExplorerError | The path '{0}' could not be opened | Dialog Message; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
DialogHeader | File already exists... | Dialog Title | |
DialogInvalidExtensions | An error occurred during the retrieval of the file extensions for the previews. The default values are restored | Dialog Message | |
DialogLabelCrc | CRC32: | Dialog label; Should be quite short | |
DialogLabelDate | Date: | Dialog label; Should be quite short | |
DialogLabelExisting | Existing File | Dialog label; Should be quite short | |
DialogLabelName | Name: | Dialog label; Should be quite short | |
DialogLabelNew | New File to Extract | Dialog label; Should be quite short | |
DialogLabelSize | Size: | Dialog label; Should be quite short | |
DialogLoadFailure | The file could not be loaded.\n{0}\nError Message: {1} | Dialog Message; {0} and {1} are mandatory to be incorporated | |
DialogLoadFilter | All Office Formats|*.docx;*.dotx;*.docm;*.dotm;*.xlsx;*.xlsm;*.xlsb;*.xltx;*.xltm;*.pptx;*.pptm;*.potx;*.potm;*.ppsx;*.ppsm|Word documents|*.docx;*.dotx;*.docm;*.dotm|Excel documents|*.xlsx;*.xlsm;*.xlsb;*.xltx;*.xltm|PowerPoint documents|*.pptx;*.pptm;*.potx;*.potm;*.ppsx;*.ppsm|Common Archive Formats|*.zip;*.7z;*.rar;*.bzip2,*.gz;*.tar;*.cab;*.chm;*.lzh;*.iso|All files|*.* | File filter; The structure must not be changed! Only "All Office Formats", "Word Documents", "Excel Documents", "Power Point Documents" and "All files" may be localized | |
DialogLoadTitle | Select Office Document... | Dialog Title | |
DialogMissingChangelog | The change log '{0}' was not found. | Dialog Message; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
DialogMissingChangelogTitle | Changelog not found | Dialog Title | |
DialogMissingLicense | The license file '{0}' was not found. | Dialog Message; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
DialogMissingLicenseTitle | License could not be found | Dialog Title | |
DialogMissingRecentFile | The file was not found:\n{0}\nShould the entry be removed from the recent file list? | Dialog Message; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
DialogMissingWebsite | The project website could not be loaded | Dialog Message | |
DialogMissingWebsiteTitle | Project website not loaded | Dialog Title | |
DialogRememberCheckbox | Remember Decision | Dialog Message | |
DialogSaveAllTitle | Select a Folder to save all Files... | Dialog Title | |
DialogSaveCurrentTitle | Save current File as... | Dialog Title | |
DialogSaveErrors | Not all files were extracted | Dialog Message | |
DialogSaveFailure | The file could not be saved | Dialog Message | |
DialogSaveFilter | All files|*.* | File filter; The structure must not be changed! Only "All files" may be localized | |
DialogSaveSelectedTitle | Select a Folder to save the selected Files... | Dialog Title | |
DialogSizeWarning | The preview of a large file (> {0}) is attempted.\nThis process may take a long time.\nShall the preview be created? | Dialog Message; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
DialogSizeWarningTitle | Attempt to preview a large File... | Dialog Title | |
DialogUnexpectedError | There was an unexpected error during the extraction: | Dialog Message | |
DropAreaWatermark | Drop Document here | Watermakt text; Should be quite short | |
LabelListview | Embedded Files | Label in the main window | |
LabelPreview | Preview | Label in the main window | |
ListViewColumnExtension | Ext. | Listview header; Sould be quite short | |
ListViewColumnName | Filename (Embedded) | Listview header; Sould be quite short | |
ListViewColumnPath | Relative Path | Listview header; Sould be quite short | |
ListViewColumnSize | Size | Listview header; Sould be quite short | |
MenuAppearance | Appearance | Menu entry | |
MenuAppearanceDarkmode | Dark Mode | Menu entry | |
MenuAppearanceLanguage | Language | Menu entry | |
MenuAppearanceLanguageDefault | System Language (Default) | Menu entry | |
MenuAppearanceLanguageEnglish | English | Menu entry | |
MenuAppearanceLanguageGerman | German (Deutsch) | Menu entry | |
MenuAppearanceLanguageFrench | French (Français) | Menu entry | |
MenuAppearanceLanguageSpanish | Spanish (Español) | Menu entry | |
MenuDocument | Document | Menu entry | |
MenuDocumentGenerictextPreview | Text Preview on unknown File Formats | Menu entry | |
MenuDocumentSizeWarning | Show Warning for Prview of large Files | Menu entry | |
MenuDocumentKeepStructure | Keep Folder Structure when Extracting | Menu entry | |
MenuDocumentOpenExplorer | Show in Explorer after Extracting | Menu entry | |
MenuDocumentShowImages | Show embedded Image Files | Menu entry | |
MenuDocumentShowOther | Show other embedded Files | Menu entry | |
MenuFile | File | Menu entry | |
MenuFileClearRecent | Clear List | Menu entry | |
MenuFileOpen | Open Document | Menu entry | |
MenuFileQuit | Quit | Menu entry | |
MenuFileRecent | Recent Files | Menu entry | |
MenuFileSaveAll | Save all Files | Menu entry | |
MenuFileSaveSelected | Save selected File(s) | Menu entry | |
MenuHelp | Help | Menu entry | |
MenuHelpAbout | About | Menu entry | |
MenuHelpChangeLog | Change Log | Menu entry | |
MenuHelpLicense | License | Menu entry | |
MenuHelpWebsite | Project Website | Menu entry | |
StatusEmbeddedLoaded | {0} loaded | Status meassge; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
StatusLoaded | File loaded: {0} | Status meassge; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
StatusLoadEmbeddedImageFailure | Embedded file could not be loaded: {0} | Status meassge; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
StatusLoadEmbeddedImageFallback | The preview image for '{0}' could not be loaded. Displaying as text | Status meassge; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
StatusLoadEmbeddedOtherFallback | The preview for '{0}' could not be loaded. Displaying as text | Status meassge; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
StatusLoadEmbeddedOtherFailure | Preview not possible for {0} | Status meassge; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
StatusLoadEmbeddedTextFailure | Text / XML file could not be loaded: {0} | Status message | |
StatusLoadFailure | The file could not be loaded | Status message | |
StatusLoading | Loading file... Please wait | Status message | |
StatusLoadingEmbedded | Loading embedded file... Please wait | Status message | |
StatusPreviewSkipped | The preview of '{0}' was skipped (file too large) | Status message | |
StatusReady | Ready | Status message | |
StatusSaveCanceled | The save process was canceled | Status message | |
StatusSaveErrorSummary | {0} files extracted ({1} overwritten, {2} renamed), {3} skipped, {4} not extracted (errors) | Status meassge; {0} to {4} are mandatory to be incorporated | |
StatusSaveFailure | Could not save the file: {0} | Status meassge; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
StatusSaveSuccess | The file was saved as: {0} | Status meassge; {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
StatusSaveSummary | {0} files extracted ({1} overwritten, {2} renamed), {3} skipped | Status meassge; {0} to {3} are mandatory to be incorporated | |
TextErrorInvalidImage | Image preview could not be created | Intermediate text (may be used in various places) | |
TextErrorInvalidText | Text preview could not be created | Intermediate text (may be used in various places) | |
TextErrorMultipleFiles | {0} files could not be extracted. | Intermediate text (may be used in various places); {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
TextErrorOneFile | One file could not be extracted. | Intermediate text (may be used in various places) | |
TextInvalidFormat | The file may be not a valid Office file or archive. | Intermediate text (may be used in various places) | |
TextInvalidPath | It looks like the filename is not valid. Please check the file name and path. | Intermediate text (may be used in various places) | |
TextLockedFile | Please make sure that the file is not open in another application. | Intermediate text (may be used in various places) | |
TextNoPreview | No Preview | Intermediate text (may be used in various places) | |
TextSaveError | The path '{0}' could not be opened | Intermediate text (may be used in various places); {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
TextSkippedMultipleFiles | {0} files were skipped. | Intermediate text (may be used in various places); {0} is mandatory to be incorporated | |
TextSkippedOneFile | One file was skipped. | Intermediate text (may be used in various places) |