dryhic is a set of tools to manipulate HiC data.
A detailed description of the method used to remove biases (a.k.a.OneD
) can be found here.
The data used for the benchmak and reproducibility comparisons can be found here
You can install the package using the handy devtools::install_github
. It's highly recommended to install also the accompanying dryhicdata package, containing some useful data.
Alternatively, you can download, unzip and install the package manually (only UNIX)
wget /~https://github.com/qenvio/dryhic/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
mv dryhic-master dryhic
sudo R CMD INSTALL dryhic
rm master.zip
wget /~https://github.com/qenvio/dryhicdata/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
mv dryhicdata-master dryhicdata
sudo R CMD INSTALL dryhicdata
First of all, we load the packages and some data
# dependencies
# load a sample matrix
By definition, a HiC contact matrix is symmetrical, so the object stores only the upper diagonal. We can symmetrize it easily
mat[1:10, 1:10]
mat <- symmetrize_matrix(mat)
mat[1:10, 1:10]
Besides the contact matrix itself, we need also some genomic information
# load some genomic information
The experiment was performed using HindIII restriction enzyme, so we gather this information
# get genomic information
info <- mutate(enzymes_hg38,
res = HindIII) %>%
dplyr::select(chr, pos, res) %>%
inner_join(bias_hg38) %>%
mutate(bin = paste0(chr, ":", pos))
As a sanity check, we should be sure that both the contact matrix and the genomic information refer to the very same genomic loci
common_bins <- intersect(info$bin, rownames(mat))
# watch out! this step orders chromosomes alphabetically
info <- filter(info, bin %in% common_bins) %>%
arrange(chr, pos)
i <- match(info$bin, rownames(mat))
mat <- mat[i, i]
Now we can compute the total coverage per bin and the proportion of non-zero entries
info$tot <- Matrix::rowSums(mat)
info$nozero <- Matrix::rowMeans(mat != 0)
Some loci in the genome have a very poor coverage. We can filter them out based both on the HiC matrix (namely, all bins without any coverage and those presenting a very high proportion of void cells). We can further filter out bins with low mappability and with no restriction enzyme sites.
info <- filter(info,
map > .5,
res > 0,
tot > 0,
nozero > .05 * median(nozero))
i <- match(info$bin, rownames(mat))
mat <- mat[i, i]
In order to have a look at the data, we can select a region and create a contact map.
bw <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "black"))
bins_chr17 <- which(info$chr == "chr17")
mat_chr17 <- mat[bins_chr17, bins_chr17]
logfinite(mat_chr17) %>% image(useRaster = TRUE, main = "RAW data",
col.regions = bw(256), colorkey = FALSE)
We can apply the ICE bias correction
mat_ice <- ICE(mat, 30)
ice_chr17 <- mat_ice[bins_chr17, bins_chr17]
logfinite(ice_chr17) %>% image(useRaster = TRUE, main = "ICE",
col.regions = bw(256), colorkey = FALSE)
Or we can apply oned correction
info$oned <- oned(info)
mat_oned <- correct_mat_from_b(mat, info$oned)
oned_chr17 <- mat_oned[bins_chr17, bins_chr17]
logfinite(oned_chr17) %>% image(useRaster = TRUE, main = "oned",
col.regions = bw(256), colorkey = FALSE)
Once OneD bias removal has been applies, we can uset this result to estimate the number of copies
# get total number of bias-corrected contacts per bin
info$tot_oned <- rowSums(mat_oned)[info$bin]
# estimate CN
info$cn <- fitcnv(info$tot_oned)[[2]]
# apply correction (the 1 / 2 factor is applied because most of the genome is diploid)
mat_onedcn <- correct_mat_from_b(mat_oned, sqrt(info$cn / 2))
info$tot_onedcn <- rowSums(mat_onedcn)[info$bin]
We can plot the total number of contacts per bin to check bias removal and CN normalization
with(info[bins_chr17,], plot(pos / 1e6, tot,
type = "l", las = 1, col = rgb(0, 0, 0, .5),
bty = "l",
xlab = "Genomic position / Mbp",
ylab = "Number of contacts per bin"))
with(info[bins_chr17,], lines(pos / 1e6, tot_oned,
col = rgb(1, 0, 0, .5)))
with(info[bins_chr17,], lines(pos / 1e6, tot_onedcn,
col = rgb(0, 0, 1, .5)))
legend("topleft", legend = c("raw", "OneD", "OneD + CN"), lty = 1,
col = c("black", "red", "blue"), bty = "n")