This is the MicroPython project, which aims to put an implementation of Python 3.x on microcontrollers and small embedded systems. You can find the official website at
WARNING: this project is in beta stage and is subject to changes of the code-base, including project-wide name changes and API changes.
MicroPython implements the entire Python 3.4 syntax (including exceptions,
"with", "yield from", etc., and additionally "async" keyword from Python 3.5).
The following core datatypes are provided: str (including basic Unicode
support), bytes, bytearray, tuple, list, dict, set, frozenset, array.array,
collections.namedtuple, classes and instances. Builtin modules include sys,
time, and struct, etc. Select ports have support for _thread
(multithreading). Note that only subset of Python 3.4 functionality
implemented for the data types and modules.
See the repository for the MicroPython board (PyBoard), the officially supported reference electronic circuit board.
The following components are actively maintained by Pycom:
- py/ -- the core Python implementation, including compiler, runtime, and core library.
- esp32/ -- a version of MicroPython that runs on the ESP32 based boards from Pycom.
- tests/ -- test framework and test scripts.
Additional components:
- ports/ -- versions of MicroPython that runs on other hardware
- drivers/ -- hardware drivers
- tools/ -- various tools, including the module.
- examples/ -- a few example Python scripts.
- docs/ -- user documentation in Sphinx reStructuredText format.
- mpy-cross/ -- micropython cross-compiler
- extmod/ -- external micropython modules
The subdirectories above may include READMEs with additional info.
"make" is used to build the components, or "gmake" on BSD-based systems. You will also need bash and Python (at least 2.7 or 3.3).
The "esp32" port requires an xtensa gcc compiler, which can be downloaded from the Espressif website:
for 64-bit Linux::
for 32-bit Linux::
for Mac OS:
To use it, you will need to update your PATH
environment variable in ~/.bash_profile
file. To make xtensa-esp32-elf
available for all terminal sessions, add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin
Alternatively, you may create an alias for the above command. This way you can get the toolchain only when you need it. To do this, add different line to your ~/.bash_profile
alias get_esp32="export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin"
Then when you need the toolchain you can type get_esp32
on the command line and the toolchain will be added to your PATH
You also need the ESP IDF along side this repository in order to build the ESP32 port. To get it:
$ git clone --recursive -b idf_v3.3.1 /~
After cloning, if you did not specify the --recursive option, make sure to checkout all the submodules:
$ cd pycom-esp-idf
$ git submodule update --init
If you updated the repository from a previous revision and/or if switching between branches,<br>
make sure to also update the submodules with the command above.
Finally, before building, export the IDF_PATH variable
$ export IDF_PATH=~/pycom-esp-idf
This repository contains submodules! Clone using the --recursive option:
$ git clone --recursive /~
Alternatively checkout the modules manually:
$ cd pycom-micropython-sigfox
$ git submodule update --init
If you updated the repository from a previous revision and/or if switching between branches,<br>
make sure to also update the submodules with the command above.
Prior to building the main firmware, you need to build mpy-cross
$ cd mpy-cross && make clean && make && cd ..
By default the firmware is built for the WIPY:
$ cd esp32
$ make clean
$ make
$ make flash
You can force the firmware to use LittleFS (the default is FatFS if not configured via pycom.bootmgr() or firmware updater):
$ cd esp32
$ make clean
$ make FS=LFS
$ make flash
By default, both bootloader and application are built. To build them separately:
$ cd esp32
$ make clean
$ make TARGET=boot
$ make TARGET=app
$ make flash
You can change the board type by using the BOARD variable:
$ cd esp32
$ make BOARD=GPY clean
$ make BOARD=GPY
$ make BOARD=GPY flash
We currently support the following BOARD types:
For OEM modules, please use the following BOARD type:
L04: LOPY4
G01: GPY
To specify a serial port other than /dev/ttyUSB0, use ESPPORT variable:
$ # On MacOS
$ make ESPPORT=/dev/tty.usbserial-DQ008HQY flash
$ # On Windows
$ make ESPPORT=COM3 flash
$ # On linux
$ make ESPPORT=/dev/ttyUSB1 flash
To flash at full speed, use ESPSPEED variable:
$ make ESPSPEED=921600 flash
Make sure that your board is placed into programming mode, otherwise flashing will fail.
All boards except Expansion Board 2.0 will automatically switch into programming mode
Expansion Board 2.0 users, please connect P2
to GND
and then reset the board.
To create a release package that can be flashed with the Pycom firmware tool:
$ cd esp32
$ make clean
$ make release
To create a release package for all currently supported Pycom boards:
$ cd esp32
$ for BOARD in WIPY LOPY SIPY GPY FIPY LOPY4; do make BOARD=$BOARD clean && make BOARD=$BOARD release; done
To specify a directory other than the default build/ directory:
$ cd esp32
$ make clean
$ make RELEASE_DIR=~/pycom-packages release
To create a release package for all currently supported Pycom boards in a directory other than the default build/ directory:
$ cd esp32
$ for BOARD in WIPY LOPY SIPY GPY FIPY LOPY4; do make BOARD=$BOARD clean && make BOARD=$BOARD RELEASE_DIR=~/pycom-packages release; done
To inclue a step for copying IDF libs from IDF_PATH specify the following variable in the make command
To Buiild the firmware with Pybytes libs use the following make variable
To Disable RGB Led control use the following make variable
- Obtain keys (for Secure Boot and Flash Encryption)
- Flash keys and parameters in efuses
- Compile bootloader and application with
make SECURE=on
- Flash: bootloader-digest at address 0x0 and encrypted; all the others (partitions and application) encrypted, too.
$ export IDF_PATH=<pycom-esp-idf_PATH>
$ cd esp32
Hold valid keys for Flash Encryption and Secure Boot; they can be generated randomly with the following commands:
python $IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/ generate_flash_encryption_key flash_encryption_key.bin
python $IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/ generate_signing_key secure_boot_signing_key.pem
The Secure Boot key secure_boot_signing_key.pem
has to be transformed into secure-bootloader-key.bin
, to be burnt into efuses. This can be done in 2 ways:
python $IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/ extract_public_key --keyfile secure_boot_signing_key.pem signature_verification_key.bin
# or, as an artifact of the make build process, on the same directory level as Makefile
Flash keys (flash_encryption_key.bin
and secure-bootloader-key.bin
) into the efuses (write and read protected):
Note: Irreversible operations
# Burning Encryption Key
python $IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --port /dev/ttyUSB0 burn_key flash_encryption flash_encryption_key.bin
# Burning Secure Boot Key
python $IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --port /dev/ttyUSB0 burn_key secure_boot secure-bootloader-key.bin
# Enabling Flash Encryption mechanism
python $IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --port /dev/ttyUSB0 burn_efuse FLASH_CRYPT_CNT
# Configuring Flash Encryption to use all address bits togheter with Encryption key (max value 0x0F)
python $IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --port /dev/ttyUSB0 burn_efuse FLASH_CRYPT_CONFIG 0x0F
# Enabling Secure Boot mechanism
python $IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --port /dev/ttyUSB0 burn_efuse ABS_DONE_0
If the keys are not written in efuse, before flashing the bootloader, then random keys will be generated by the ESP32, they can never be read nor re-written, so bootloader can never be updated. Even more, the application can be re-flashed (by USB) just 3 more times.
make BOARD=GPY SECURE=on SECURE_KEY=secure_boot_signing_key.pem ENCRYPT_KEY=flash_encryption_key.bin
is the main flag; it's not optional- if
by default:- encryption is enabled
- secure_boot_signing_key.pem is the secure boot key, located relatively to Makefile
- flash_encryption_key.bin is the flash encryption key, located relatively to Makefile
For flashing the bootloader digest and the encrypted versions of all binaries:
make BOARD=GPY SECURE=on flash
For flashing the bootloader-reflash-digest.bin has to be written at address 0x0, instead of the bootloader.bin (at address 0x1000).
Build is done using SECURE=on
option; additionally, all the binaries are pre-encrypted.
make BOARD=GPY clean
make BOARD=GPY SECURE=on flash
Manual flash command:
python $IDF_PATH/components/esptool_py/esptool/ --chip esp32 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 921600 --before no_reset --after no_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dio --flash_freq 80m --flash_size detect 0x0 build/GPY/release/bootloader/bootloader-reflash-digest.bin_enc 0x8000 build/GPY/release/lib/partitions.bin_enc 0x10000 build/GPY/release/gpy.bin_enc_0x10000
The OTA should be done using the pre-encrypted application image.
Because the encryption is done based on the physical flash address, there are 2 application binaries generated:
- gpy.bin_enc_0x10000 which has to be written at default factory address: 0x10000
- gpy.bin_enc_0x1A0000 which has to be written at the ota_0 partition address (0x1A0000)
Hint: on micropython interface, the method pycom.ota_slot()
responds with the address of the next OTA partition available (either 0x10000 or 0x1A0000).