In order to achieve the theme switching, the following five problems are mainly solved:
By extending the namespace property theme
to the control, similar to the snp
of SnapKit
and the kf
of Kingfisher
, you can concentrate the properties that support the theme modification to the theme
property. This is more elegant than directly extending the property 'theme_backgroundColor` to the control.
The core code is as follows:
view.theme.backgroundColor = ThemeProvider({ (style) in
If style == .dark {
Return .white
}else {
Return .black
Reference the iOS13 system API UIColor(dynamicProvider: <UITraitCollection) -> UIColor>)
. Customize the ThemeProvider
structure, the initializer is init(_ provider: @escaping ThemePropertyProvider<T>)
. The passed argument ThemePropertyProvider
is a closure defined as: typealias ThemePropertyProvider<T> = (ThemeStyle) -> T
. This allows for maximum customization of different controls and different attribute configurations.
The core code refers to the first step sample code.
Add the Associated object
property providers
to the control to store ThemeProvider
The core code is as follows:
Public extension ThemeWrapper where Base: UIView {
Var backgroundColor: ThemeProvider<UIColor>? {
Set(new) {
If new != nil {
Let baseItem = self.base
Let config: ThemeCustomizationClosure = {[weak baseItem] (style) in
baseItem?.backgroundColor = new?.provider(style)
/ / Stored in the extended properties provider
Var newProvider = new
newProvider?.config = config
Self.base.providers["UIView.backgroundColor"] = newProvider
ThemeManager.shared.addTrackedObject(self.base, addedConfig: config)
}else {
self.base.configs.removeValue(forKey: "UIView.backgroundColor")
Get { return self.base.providers["UIView.backgroundColor"] as? ThemeProvider<UIColor> }
In order to switch to the theme, notify the control that supports the theme property configuration. By tracking the target control when setting the theme properties. The core code is the code in step 3:
ThemeManager.shared.addTrackedObject(self.base, addedConfig: config)
The theme is switched by ThemeManager.changeTheme(to: style)
, and the method internally calls the ThemeProvider.provider
theme property in the providers
of the tracked control to configure the closure.
The core code is as follows:
Public func changeTheme(to style: ThemeStyle) {
currentThemeStyle = style
self.trackedHashTable.allObjects.forEach { (object) in
If let view = object as? UIView {
view.providers.values.forEach { self.resolveProvider($0) }
Private func resolveProvider(_ object: Any) {
//castdown generic
If let provider = object as? ThemeProvider<UIColor> {
}else ...