Current Routes provided by the api for various methods are these:-
Routes |
Description |
"/api/v1/" |
lists all the question |
"/api/v1/random" |
Provides a random question |
"/api/:id" |
Get a snippet by provided id |
Routes |
Description |
"/api/v1/" |
Post/adds a question to the database(local) |
Routes |
Description |
"/api/v1/:id" |
deletes a question from the database(local) |
Routes |
Description |
"/api/v1/:id" |
updates a question in the database(local) |
All the snippets look like this
"code":" some code here",
"answer": " answer for the code",
"minKeyStrokes" : "minimum key strokes required to complete",
"language": "language of the snippet (possible values : python | javascript | rust | clojure| golang| css)"