3226 commits
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- Fixed #15462 - ColumnFilter | add onShow & onHide events by @cetincakiroglu in #15463
- Fixed #15470 - Add new severity options by @cetincakiroglu in #15471
- fix message and messages component unit test #15492 by @dobanisola-scottlogic in #15493
- Fixed #15490 - InputSwitch | Accessibility issue changing the inputsw… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15491
- Fixes #15487 - Calendar component: invalid date value is removed even though KeepInvalid is true by @RogueTea in #15489
- fix: paste function issue in inputOtp for integerOnly by @navedqb in #15484
- docs(orderlist): mention dependency on angular/cdk by @arlopezg in #15481
- Remove aria hidden attribute from tiered menu menu items by @ppc-harmoney in #15478
- Fix PickList element selection problem after filtering with ScrollBar by @robGardiner01 in #15477
- Fixed #15455 - DataView [rowsPerPageOption] not working by @RogueTea in #15476
- chore(tieredmenu): remove aria level attribute from list item by @ppc-harmoney in #15474
- fix #15339 Remove invalid abstract role section by @TaneliTuomola in #15461
- Fixed #15454 - Missing icons in the import PrimeIcons from primeng/api by @c-o-l-i-n in #15459
- Update table filter match mode behavior by @PronDmytro in #15452
- Fixed #15468 - Tooltip | tooltipEvent - focus | hover combined by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15469
- Nested dialog keyboard navigation by @RogueTea in #15448
- Fixed inputNumber with numeric prefix is not working as expected by @nbrown-ScottLogic in #15398
- Fix #14954 Dropdown head is empty when no selected option provided by @tal-ladi in #15383
- Fixes #15501 : Broken colour picker unit test by @RogueTea in #15502
- Fixed #15485 - Tooltip | Tooltip is out of position after dialog opens by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15486
- Demo update new by @cetincakiroglu in #15503
- Fixes #15504 - Badge | Add contrast severity styles by @cetincakiroglu in #15505
- Fixes #15435 - FileUpload | Templating enhancements by @cetincakiroglu in #15508
- Fixed #15472 -Tooltip | Tooltip-option tooltipEvent=focus does not wo… by @mehmetcetin01140 in #15473
- Improve calendar keyboard accessibility by @PronDmytro in #15451
New Contributors
- @arlopezg made their first contribution in #15481
- @ppc-harmoney made their first contribution in #15478
- @c-o-l-i-n made their first contribution in #15459
- @PronDmytro made their first contribution in #15452
- @tal-ladi made their first contribution in #15383
Full Changelog: 17.16.0...17.16.1