- Pramod Paratabadi – 9158038227
- Supriya Madiwal - 9766844410
Android app to track the spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19) : (Smart Tracker – COVID-19) Now a days whole world facing the novel Corona Virus, to track the spread of novel Corona Virus country-wise, details of confirmed cases, deaths and Recovered, awareness regarding COVID-19. This Android app was created to spread awareness about the covid -19 virus. It contains the following functionalities:
- Displays relevant news about covid-19.
- Real-time Dashboard that tracks the recent cases of covid-19 across the world and across different states in India.
- The app is specifically shows the relevance data regarding India, it also include testing centers across different states in India.
- The last section includes some tips that should follow in this epidemic.
You will need the following things properly run it on your computer.
- User should have proper internet facility.
- COVID-19 Dashboard that shows the real-time data of death cases
- Coronavirus Monitor
- Ministry of Health and Welfare of India
The app is useful for those who want data regarding COVID-19. The people from every domain should use this application as it helps to plan to avoid more cases in this epidemic. Government should make a proper planning of beds in hospital, isolation rooms, available more testing kit to the doctors and also plan for necessary steps to be taken out to prevent the coronavirus spread.