PowSyBl (Power System Blocks) is an open source framework written in Java, that makes it easy to write complex software for power systems’ simulations and analysis. Its modular approach allows developers to extend or customize its features.
PowSyBl is part of the LF Energy Foundation, a project of The Linux Foundation that supports open source innovation projects within the energy and electricity sectors.
Read more at https://www.powsybl.org !
This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the PowSyBl Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to powsybl-tsc@lists.lfenergy.org.
The project contains both Java and C++ modules. If you are only interested in the Slurm computation manager, you can build the Java part only. If you're also interested in the MPI computation manager, you need to compiler C++ modules also.
To build the Java modules, you need the following requirements:
- JDK (17 or greater)
- Maven (3.8.0 or greater) - you could use the embedded maven wrapper instead if you prefer (see Using Maven Wrapper)
$> yum install java-17-openjdk maven
To build the C++ modules, you need the additional requirements:
- CMake (2.6 or greater)
- A recent C++ compiler (GNU g++ or Clang)
- OpenMPI (1.8.3 or greater)
- Some development packages (zlib, bzip2)
$> yum install bzip2 bzip2-devel cmake gcc-c++ make wget zlib-devel
In order to support the MPI modules, you need to compile and install the OpenMPI library.
$> wget https://download.open-mpi.org/release/open-mpi/v1.8/openmpi-1.8.3.tar.bz2
$> tar xjf openmpi-1.8.3.tar.bz2
$> cd openmpi-1.8.3
$> ./configure --prefix=<INSTALL_DIR> --enable-mpi-thread-multiple
$> make install
$> export PATH=$PATH:<INSTALL_DIR>/bin
If you are interested in the Slurm computation manager only, you can easily compile the project using the following command:
$> mvn package
We provide a toolchain to help people to build this project. This toolchain downloads thirdparties (boost, libarchive,
log4cpp, protobuf) from the Intenet, compiles both Java and C++ modules and create an iTools distribution. It's a
standalone external folder that contains all the built objects required to run powsybl programs through the itools
command-line interface. This repository contains the install.sh
script to do so easily. By default, the install.sh
will download dependencies from the Internet, compile code and finally copy the resulting iTools distribution to the
installation folder.
$> ./install.sh
This will run both the C++ build and the java build and copy their results to the installation folder.
A more detailed description of the install.sh
script options follows:
Target | Description |
clean | Clean modules |
clean-thirdparty | Clean the thirdparty libraries |
compile | Compile modules |
package | Compile modules and create a distributable package |
install | Compile modules and install it |
docs | Generate the documentation (Doxygen/Javadoc) |
help | Display this help |
The install.sh script options are saved in the install.cfg configuration file. This configuration file is loaded and updated each time you use the install.sh script.
Option | Description | Default value |
--help | Display this help | |
--prefix | Set the installation directory | $HOME/powsybl |
--mvn | Set the maven command to use | mvn |
Option | Description | Default value |
--with-thirdparty | Enable the compilation of thirdparty libraries | |
--without-thirdparty | Disable the compilation of thirdparty libraries | |
--thirdparty-prefix | Set the thirdparty installation directory | $HOME/powsybl_thirdparty |
--thirdparty-download | Sets false to compile thirdparty libraries from a local repository | true |
--thirdparty-packs | Sets the thirdparty libraries local repository | $HOME/powsybl_packs |
# -- Global options --
# -- Thirdparty libraries --
If you don't have a proper Maven installed, you could use the Apache Maven Wrapper scripts provided. They will download a compatible maven distribution and use it automatically.
In order to work properly, Maven Wrapper needs to download 2 artifacts: the maven distribution and the maven wrapper distribution. By default, these are downloaded from the online Maven repository.
If your internet access requires a Basic Authentication, you should define the following variables in your environment:
: the username;MVNW_PASSWORD
: the password.
If you prefer to use an internal Maven Repository Manager, you should define the following variable in your environment:
: the URL to your repository manager (for instancehttps://my_server/repository/maven-public
Note that if you need to use this variable, it must be set for each maven command. Else, the Maven Wrapper will try to retrieve the maven distribution from the online Maven repository (even if one was already downloaded from another location).
You could check your configuration with the following command:
./mvnw -version
If you encounter any problem, you could specify MVNW_VERBOSE=true
and relaunch the command to have
further information.
To indicate install.sh
to use Maven Wrapper, you need to configure it with the --mvn
./install.sh clean --mvn ./mvnw
You can revert this configuration with the following command:
./install.sh clean --mvn mvn
Once the configuration is done, you just need to use ./mvnw
instead of mvn
in your commands.