- ScheduledTask:
- Added support for Group Managed Service Accounts, implemented using the ExecuteAsGMSA parameter. Fixes Issue #111
- Added support to set the Synchronize Across Time Zone option. Fixes Issue #109
- Added .VSCode settings for applying DSC PSSA rules - fixes Issue #189.
- PowerPlan:
- Added IsActive Read-Only Property - Fixes Issue #171.
- InActive power plans are no longer returned with their Name set to null. Now, the name is always returned and the Read-Only property of IsActive is set accordingly.
- PowershellExecutionPolicy:
- Updated to meet HQRM guidelines.
- Migrated the xPowershellExecutionPolicy from xPowershellExecutionPolicy and renamed to PowershellExecutionPolicy.
- Moved strings to localization file.
- Changed the scope from Global to Script in MSFT_ScheduledTask.Integration.Tests.ps1
- Changed the scope from Global to Script ComputerManagementDsc.Common.Tests.ps1
- ScheduledTask:
- Added support for event based triggers, implemented using the ScheduleType OnEvent fixes Issue #167
- TimeZone:
- Migrated xTimeZone resource from xTimeZone and renamed to TimeZone - fixes Issue #157.
- Moved Test-Command from ComputerManagementDsc.ResourceHelper to ComputerManagementDsc.Common module to match what TimeZone requires. It was not exported in ComputerManagementDsc.ResourceHelper and not used.
- Add
parameter toComputer
resource - fixes Issue #161
- Renamed ComputerManagement to ComputerManagementDsc - fixes Issue #119.
- Changed all MSFT_xResourceName to MSFT_ResourceName.
- Updated DSCResources, Examples, Modules and Tests with new naming.
- Updated Year to 2018 in License and Manifest.
- Updated README.md from xComputerManagement to ComputerManagementDsc.
- OfflineDomainJoin:
- Cleaned up spacing in strings file to make consistent with other resources.
- VirtualMemory:
- Converted strings to single quotes in integration test.
- xScheduledTask:
- Update existing Scheduled Task using SetScheduleTask instead of UnRegister/Register - See Issue #134.
- Fix master branch AppVeyor badge link URL in README.MD - See Issue #140.
- Fix deletion of scheduled task with unknown or empty task trigger. Get-TargetResource returns an empty ScheduleType string if the task trigger is empty or unknown - See Issue #137.
- Added dependency information for xScheduledTask to README.MD.
- BREAKING CHANGE: xScheduledTask:
- Breaking change because
no longer outputsActionExecutable
properties when the scheduled task does not exist. It will also includeTaskPath
in output when scheduled task does not exist.
- Breaking change because
- xScheduledTask:
- Add support to disable built-in scheduled tasks - See Issue #74.
- Fix unit test mocked schedule task object structure.
- Fix error message when trigger type is unknown - See Issue #121.
- Moved strings into separate strings file.
- Updated to meet HQRM guidelines.
- xComputer:
- Resolved bug in Get-ComputerDomain where LocalSystem doesn't have rights to the domain.
- Updated tests to meet Pester V4 guidelines - See Issue #106.
- Converted module to use auto documentation format.
- xScheduledTask:
- Enable Execution Time Limit of task to be set to indefinite
by setting
to '00:00:00' - See Issue #115.
- Enable Execution Time Limit of task to be set to indefinite
by setting
- xPowerPlan:
- Updated to meet HQRM guidelines.
- Converted calls to
to useNew-InvalidOperationException
in CommonResourceHelper.
- Move Common Resource Helper functions into modules folder.
- Changed resources to use Common Resource Helper functions.
- Moved strings for Common Resource Helper functions into separate strings file.
- Added unit tests for Common Helper functions.
- xOfflineDomainJoin:
- Updated to meet HQRM guidelines.
- xScheduledTask:
- Applied autoformatting to examples to improve readability.
- Added LogonType and RunLevel parameters for controlling task execution.
- Correct
- xComputer: Added parameter to set the local computer description along with documentation and unit tests for this change.
- BREAKING CHANGE: xScheduledTask:
- Converted all Interval/Duration type parameters over to be string format to prevent the Timezone the MOF file was created in from being stored. This is to fix problems where MOF files are created in one timezone but deployed nodes to a different timezone - See Issue #85
- Added ConvertTo-TimeSpanFromScheduledTaskString function and refactored to reduce code duplication.
- Added support for setting repetition duration to
- xComputer:
- Moved strings to localization file.
- Updated to meet HQRM guidelines.
- xVirtualMemory:
- Refactored shared common code into new utility functions to reduce code duplication and improve testability.
- Moved strings into localizable strings file.
- Converted calls to
to useNew-InvalidOperationException
in CommonResourceHelper. - Improved unit test coverage.
- Updated to meet HQRM guidelines.
- xComputer: Changed comparison that validates if we are in the correct AD Domain to work correctly if FQDN wasn't used.
- Updated AppVeyor.yml to use AppVeyor.psm1 module in DSCResource.Tests.
- Removed Markdown.md errors.
- Added CodeCov.io support.
- xScheduledTask
- Fixed incorrect TaskPath handling - Issue #45
- Change examples to meet HQRM standards and optin to Example validation tests.
- Replaced examples in README.MD to links to Example files.
- Added the VS Code PowerShell extension formatting settings that cause PowerShell files to be formatted as per the DSC Resource kit style guidelines - Issue #91.
- Opted into Common Tests 'Validate Module Files' and 'Validate Script Files'.
- Converted files with UTF8 with BOM over to UTF8 - fixes Issue #90.
- Updated Year to 2017 in License and Manifest - fixes Issue #87.
- Added .github support files - fixes Issue #88:
- Resolved all PSScriptAnalyzer warnings and style guide warnings.
- xOfflineDomainJoin:
- Changed to use CommonResourceHelper to load localization strings.
- Renamed en-US to be correct case so that localization strings can be loaded.
- Suppress PSScriptAnalyzer rule PSAvoidGlobalVars for
$global:DSCMachineStatus = 1
- xComputer:
- Suppress PSScriptAnalyzer rule PSAvoidGlobalVars for
$global:DSCMachineStatus = 1
- Suppress PSScriptAnalyzer rule PSAvoidGlobalVars for
- xVirtualMemory:
- Suppress PSScriptAnalyzer rule PSAvoidGlobalVars for
$global:DSCMachineStatus = 1
- Suppress PSScriptAnalyzer rule PSAvoidGlobalVars for
- Updated resources
- BREAKING CHANGE: xScheduledTask: Added nearly all available parameters for tasks
- xVirtualMemory:
- Fixed failing tests.
- Added resources:
- xVirtualMemory
- Added resources
- xPowerPlan
- Converted AppVeyor.yml to pull Pester from PSGallery instead of Chocolatey.
- Changed AppVeyor.yml to use default image
- xScheduledTask: Fixed bug with different OS versions returning repeat interval differently
- Added support for enabling or disabling scheduled tasks
- The Name parameter resolves to $env:COMPUTERNAME when the value is localhost
- Added the following resources:
- MSFT_xOfflineDomainJoin resource to join computers to an AD Domain using an Offline Domain Join request file.
- MSFT_xScheduledTask resource to control scheduled tasks on the local server
- MSFT_xOfflineDomainJoin: Corrected localizedData.DomainAlreadyJoinedhMessage name.
- xComputer: Changed credential generation code in tests to avoid triggering PSSA rule PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText. Renamed unit test file to match the name of Resource file.
- Update Unit tests to use the standard folder structure and test templates.
- Added .gitignore to prevent commit of DSCResource.Tests.
- Added validation to the Name parameter
- Added the JoinOU parameter which allows you to specify the organizational unit that the computer account will be created in
- Added the CurrentOU read-only property that shows the organizational unit that the computer account is currently in
- xComputer
- Fixed issue with Test-TargetResource when not specifying Domain or Workgroup name
- Added tests
- Added types to Get/Set/Test definitions to allow xResourceDesigner validation to succeed
- Added functionality to enable moving computer from one domain to another
- Modified Test-DscConfiguration logics when testing domain join
- Initial release with the following resources:
- xComputer