git clone /~
cd python-fortran
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate python-fortran
jupyter notebook
You can open py files or ipynb files in notebooks directory. They are synchronized with jupytext.
- Introduction to F2PY
- F2PY and Fortran 90 modules
- Comparison with Cython, Numba, Pythran and PyJulia : The Julia set example
- The 1D1V Vlasov-Poisson solved with Semi-Lagrangian method
- Co-rotating vortices solved with discrete vortex method
- Finite differences and the Gray-Scott model
- Finite differences on staggered grid to solve Maxwell equations in 2D
- Short example with SWIG and CTYPES
Reminder: Build the Jupyter book
jupyter-book build notebooks
and eventually push the book to gh-pages
ghp-import -n -p -f notebooks/_build/html
Pierre Navaro IRMAR CNRS