A simple html site, with the title "I want to attend the Weekend in the Cloud"
Use Nginx as your web server
Hint: use Let's Encrypt
Use Docker Hub to build and share your image
- I use alpine Linux based Nginx image because I like to keep my docker images as small as possible
- I embed self-signed SSL certificate on build into docker image because Let's Encrypt can’t provide certificates for “localhost”. Personally, I would never embed SSL certificates into docker image(the only exception would be an image for development purposes). I did it only to meet your BONUS "use SSL" requirement
- I also configured Nginx for redirects from HTTP to HTTPS
- I wrote tests for docker images using Goss testing tool. Tests run on every git push in CircleCI
- I configured docker hub auto build only for git tags. Git push will trigger image build and tests in CircleCI and git push tag triggers Docker Hub build. I used Docker Hub build only to fulfill your requirements because build images with CicrcleCI would be a way better option.