This is the CLI version of CPExternalizer.
Check out CPCluster example to get the whole scenarios for using this tool.
node cli.js <command> <options>
node cli.js extract --src path/to/CPM.js --outdir where/to/save
node cli.js xcpext --src path/to/CPM.js --outdir where/to/save
node cli.js dirext --src path/to/folder --outdir where/to/save
node cli.js soundfix --src path/to/an/initiator.js --ulpath common/unit/loader
Command | Description |
extract | Extracting CPProjInit (initiator of module). This is the default command, executed when no specific command given. |
xcpext | Extracting extra components (questions, effects,etc.) which is not coverd in the common CPM.js. |
dirext | Slimming exported folders of Adobe Captivate. |
soundfix | Fixing audio source in CPProjInit. Use it when the common loader does not find out the audio files. |
help | Manual of this tool. |
Option | Type | Description |
-s, --src | String | Array.<String> |
File paths to exported CPM.js by Adobe Captivate. |
-d, --outdir | String |
Where to save output. Default is ./ (the current directory of cli.js) |
Option | Type | Description |
-s, --src | String | Array.<String> |
Path to directory of exported modules. |
-d, --outdir | String |
Where to save output. Default is ./ (the current directory of cli.js) |
Option | Type | Description |
-u, --ulpath | String |
Unit loader source path. Usually, the path from unit loader to module should be "down-straight", which means no climb up other directory. |
-s, --src | String | Array.<String> |
Initiator files and/or directories to find initiators. Only accept js file. All other types are ignored. |