In this repo you will find instructions for :
- Creating a Webex Team Bot
- Adding a Webhook to your Webex Team Bot.
- Installing a Pedagogic Python Web logic to your Webex bot.
- Interact with your bot through it's own Webex Team Room.
The goal of this article is mainly help you to understand how webex bot works and how to start one quickly.
Webex Team Bot are very good interfaces for applications which doesn't have any GUI or output console ( Python scripts or SecureX Workflows for examples ). It is worthit to understand how we could use it in our Networking and Security Applications.
The benefits of using a Webex Team bot is that it will have a permanent Webex Bearer Token.
Let's create this bot.
Let's go to Cisco Webex for Developper
Click on the start building apps button and create an new application
Fill all requested fields and create your new bot.
Once created COPY THE WEBEX BOT TOKEN !! and copy it's mail as well.
One of magic of Webex Team bots is that you can interact directly with them. You can send them messages and they will answer to you !.
For doing this you need to attach a Webhook to the bot.
The Webex Webhook will allow to any web server to receive all the messages that will be sent to the bot room.
These messages will be copied when they will be received into the Webex Bot Room and sent to the Web server URL.
The Web Server can be any web server and the logic inside which can process the sent data by the webhook.
Actually the message is sent thanks to a HTTP POST call which act exactly as the calls used to send a formular to a web server.
That means that the web server will act exactly like any web server. It will read the variables sent thru this POST call and will process them.
The result of the data processing will be an HTTP result containing all information computed by the web server.
And these results will be sent to the webex team room thanks to Send Message API call to the room ID, with the Webex BOT BEARER TOKEN.
Let's have a look now to how to set up all this.
Before talking about the bot logic, let's see how to create the webhook which will be used to hook the messages sent to the Webex Team Room
go to :
Create a Webhook
The targetURL must be your Web Server public URL
And use Your Bot Webex BEARER TOKEN
resource = messages
event = created
targetUrl is the full URL of your bot.Either you have a public Web Server... or not. If not, and for developpment purpose only, consider NGROK. NGROK makes Your developpment BOT located into your laptop available on the INTERNET in less than 5 minutes.
Remark : the file can help you to automate your bot targetUrl.
Configure the project to run on your local PC
Starting from now, we are going to use the BOT Webex Room, in order to interact with it.
Go to your Webex Team and contact your bot thanks to it's mail.
And enter to the Bot's room. As test, You can send some test messages into the room.
At this point Nothing special will happen except your message sent to the bot.
For information we need the Bot Room ID in order to send to it messages from any script. This room id will be automatically discoverer by our script. You don't need to search for it.
The Webex Team Bot logic attached to the Webex Team Bot, is just a web server which listens to webhook calls. Everytime a message is send into the Bot's room, a webhook call is sent to a target URL that will be our Bot Logic Web Server.
This Bot Logic Web Server is actually the python file. If you open it you will see that it is based on the simple HTTP.request module.
We need to make our bot logic publicly available for Webex.
NGROK is a wonderful tool for doing that in minutes. NGROK exposes a public URL on the INTERNET and built a tunnel between this public location and an application within your laptop.
Open a new CMD console window. Change directory to the folder where you unzipped ngrok and start it thanks the following command.
cd {ngrok directory}
ngrok http 3000
We will see later that our bot logic will listen on port 3000.
Copy the NGROK FQDN that was assigned to you ( it will remain available during 7 hours ), we will used it later.
Perfect, We are now ready to go to the next step that is to install and start our bot logic server.
Create a working directory named bot_logic into your laptop, and cd to it.
Open a terminal window ( Windows CMD console )
For Windows:
md bot_logic
cd bot_logic
For Linux
mkdir bot_logic
cd bot_logic
For Linux/Mac
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
For Windows
virtualenv env
python -m venv venv
Then clone the code :
git clone /~
Change directory to the bot logic folder:
cd Webex_Team_Chat_Bot_Python
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt is an init file that contains Your Webex Team Bot details.
Edit this file and assign the correct values to the listed variables
- bot_email = ""
- bot_name = "ex:my_python_bot"
- bearer = "THE_Webex_Bot_Bearer_token_here"
- webhook_url = 'targetUrl here ex:'
- webhook_name = 'ex:My_Web_Hook'
As you can see, the application tells you that it is listening on port 3000. You can change that in the python script ( Line 222 )
httpd = HTTPServer(('localhost', 3000), SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
And don't forget to start NGROK on that port.
Let's test the bot !
At this point, we can test that the bot work.
Go the Bot Webex Room and send ping into it.
Now you should receive back the message : PONG !
And you can check the python bot console
Same in the NGROK console
Now send help into the Bot's room and have a look to the result
As your bot logic works, you can modify it's behavior.
Edit the file and go to the def do_POST(self): function. Modify the if statement with new keywords and actions to be executed in the conditionnal branch
Ok it's up to YOU now !!