This program generates sets of ray-theoretical seismograms for incident plane waves (teleseismic approximation) for seismic velocity models consisting of a stack of layers with planar but non-parallel (dipping) interfaces, allowing the possibility of anisotropy in the layers. Incident P and S waves are supported.
is a Python wrapper around the Fortran software Raysum
, originally developed by
Andrew Frederiksen.
A trimmed down version of the Fortran code is supplied with PyRaysum
. You can find the
original version here.
Authors: Wasja Bloch, Pascal Audet (Developers and Maintainers of PyRaysum
) & Andrew Frederiksen & (Developer of original Fortran
PyRaysum can be installed from PyPI or from source.
To avoid conflicts with other programs, it is recommended to install PyRaysum inside a designated conda
environment (called here prs
) alongside its dependecies.
conda create -n prs "python<3.12" "numpy<1.23" setuptools fortran-compiler obspy -c conda-forge
conda activate prs
If you are using an alternative Python interpreter (e.g., IPython or a Jupyter notebook), include it into your installation as well. This ensures that the interpreter uses the correct Python version.
# IPython
conda install ipython
# Jupyter notebooks
conda install jupyter
pip install pyraysum
The source code of PyRaysum can also be downloaded from GitHub and installed via pip
git clone /~
cd PyRaysum
pip install .
To compute receiver functions for a range of back-azimuths considering a simple 1-layer over a half-space subsurface seismic velocity model, in a Python or iPython console, execute:
from pyraysum import Model, Geometry, Control, run
# Build a 1-layer-over-half-space subsurface model
model = Model(
thickn=[32000, 0], # m; half-space thickness is irrelevant
rho=[2800, 3600], # kg/m^3
vp=[6400, 8100], # m/s
vs=[3600, 4650], # m/s
# Define back-azimuth range and single horizontal slowness value
geometry = Geometry(baz=range(0, 360, 30), slow=0.07)
# Set sampling interval, number of points, alignment and ray-coordinate rotation
control = Control(dt=1./20., npts=800, align="P", rot="PVH")
# Run the simulation
result = run(model, geometry, control, rf=True)
# Filter below 2s period
result.filter("rfs", "lowpass", freq=0.5)
# Plot the results
The complete API documentation, scripts and tutorials are described at
If you use PyRaysum
in your work, please cite the following references:
Frederiksen, A.W., and Bostock, M.G. (2000) Modelling teleseismic waves in dipping anisotropic structures. Geophysical Journal International 141: 401-412.
Bloch, W., and Audet, P. (2023). PyRaysum: Software for modeling ray-theoretical plane body-wave propagation in dipping anisotropic media. Seismica.
Audet, P., and Bloch, W. (2022). PyRaysum: Software for modeling ray-theoretical body-wave propagation. Zenodo.
All constructive contributions are welcome, e.g. bug reports, discussions or suggestions for new features. You can either open an issue on GitHub or make a pull request with your proposed changes. Before making a pull request, check if there is a corresponding issue opened and reference it in the pull request. If there isn't one, it is recommended to open one with your rationale for the change. New functionality or significant changes to the code that alter its behavior should come with corresponding tests and documentation. If you are new to contributing, you can open a work-in-progress pull request and have it iteratively reviewed.
Other examples of contributions include notebooks that describe published examples of PyRaysum
usage and processing. Suggestions for improvements (speed, accuracy, plotting, etc.) are also welcome.