The zziplib provides read access to zipped files in a zip-archive, using compression based solely on free algorithms provided by zlib. It also provides a functionality to overlay the archive filesystem with the filesystem of the operating system environment.
The project was originally written by Tomi Ollila, later largely rewritten by Guido Draheim, and extended with contributions in the years to follow. Guido Draheim holds the full copyright to the zziplib sources.
The zziplib may be used freely under the restrictions of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2 or later. Alternativly the Mozilla Public license can be chosen. The sources are under a dual license, as long as the MPL hint is not removed, the modified files will be again under a dual license for the final recipient.
If you can not use a dynalinked library according to LGPL rules, then look at docs/copying.htm for a few hints. Generally the LGPL has a way for staticlinking as well as the MPL has a way. Anyway, special (paid) licenses can be negotiated with the copyright holder.
The zziplib project is hosted at SourceForge, the complete documentation can be found at - the SourceForge servers are also used to distribute the sources of the zziplib project. Releases are announced via the freshmeat services on
The zziplib sources are built with gnu autotools and they should
be easy to install on unixish systems via the usual sequence of
configure && make && make check && make install
. Many distributors
ship prebuilt packages e.g. in rpm format. Additionally there are
MSVC project files shipped along for usage with the Microsoft
VisualC series of compilers. There should be no problem either
when crosscompiling the zziplib for a third host platform.
The zziplib library is intentionally a lightweight interface to zip files. The author take patches but please consider to put complex extensions into separate modules rather than implanting them right into the core of the library engine. All Patches and Bug Reports should be sent to Guido Draheim