Please use Metamask in combination with a local Parity Ethereum node to be able to browse Web3-enabled websites in a fully decentralised manner. Here is a short guide for more information.
To start developing the extension do:
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
Then head off to chrome://extensions
, click "Load unpacked extension" and point to build
Whenever you change anything the extension will be re-compiled, although you may need to Reload
the extension to see the changes.
First run Parity development UI in EMBED
mode to start producing embed.js
$ cd parity/js
$ EMBED=1 npm start
Then run extension and pass EMBED
flag as well (this will fetch embed.js
but still connect to
for communication).
$ cd parity-extension
$ EMBED=1 yarn start
Later proceed with the extension as usual - "Load unpacked extension" from build
To prepare a release version of the extension run:
$ yarn release
This will create release
directory with a zip
file required for upload.