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The config.toml
is the main source of theme customization for all Hugo themes. For Hugo Future Imperfect Slim, this file is split into five (5) distinct areas.
These are parameters that are native to Hugo. For an extensive list, please reference the Hugo Documentation on Configuration Settings.
The config.toml
for Hugo Future Imperfect Slim defines the following parameters:
baseurl = "example.com"
DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
title = "Hugo Future Imperfect Slim"
theme = "hugo-future-imperfect-slim"
paginate = 3
disqusShortname = ""
googleAnalytics = ""
pluralizeListTitles = false
disableLanguages = []
unsafe = true
home = ["html", "json"]
- baseurl
- Defines the path to the root directory on your server.
- DefaultContentLanguage
- Defines the default language for the site. Any undefined languages will take this ISO 639-1 language code.
- title
- Defines the site meta title.
- theme
- Defines the site theme. The default location is
. - paginate
- Defines the number of items to display per list page.
- disqusShortname
- Defines your Disqus shortname for comments hosted by Disqus.
- googleAnalytics
- Defines your Google Analytics tracking ID.
- pluralizeListTitles
- Sets titles on list pages to be plural. Example:
Post -> Posts
- disableLanguages
- Defines languages to disable when building the site.
- [markup.goldmark.renderer]unsafe
- A parameter that allows for inline HTML.
- [outputs]home
- A parameter that allows for search functionality.
Hugo Parameters beyond these can still be implemented as you see fit. Simply add them below disableLangages
like so:
disableLanguages = []
enableEmoji = true
These are parameters that are native to the Hugo Future Imperfect Slim theme. These parameters are divided based on the location they effect on the theme.
enableCDN = false
cssFiles = ["default"]
jsFiles = ["default"]
highlightjs = true
highlightjsTheme = "default"
highlightjsLang = []
viewMorePostsLink = "/blog/"
readingTime = true
imageStrech = ""
socialShare = ["twitter", "facebook", "reddit", "linkedin", "pinterest", "email"]
- enableCDN
- Sets whether libraries are accessed from a CDN or locally. Note: If the theme selected below is not
, CDN will be used to load that theme file even if this is disabled. - cssFiles and jsFiles
- Defines what CSS and JavaScript files are loaded into the theme. The variable is an array, so feel free to load multiple files, as needed.
loads all base theme files, includingadd-on.css
. - highlightjs
- Sets whether to utilize Highlight.js for syntax highlighting.
- highlightjsTheme
- Defines the Highlight.js theme. By default, the theme is "default." Note: If you wish to use theme files locally, you will need to download them and replace the
file. - highlightjsLang
- Defines the extended languages to load for Highlight.js syntax highlighting. By default, the common languages are included.
- viewMorePostsLink
- Defines where "See More" buttons link to.
- readingTime
- Sets whether estimated reading time is added to post headers.
- imageStretch
- Defines a sitewide default stretch parameter for header images. Supported values are "horizontal" or "h", and "vertical" or "v".
- socialShare
- Defines which social media share links appear. Options are twitter, facebook, reddit, linkedin, pinterest, and email.
description = "A theme by HTML5 UP, ported by Julio Pescador. Slimmed and enhanced by Patrick Collins. Multilingual by StatnMap. Powered by Hugo."
author = "HTML5UP and Hugo"
favicon = false
svg = true
faviconVersion = "1"
msColor = "#ffffff"
iOSColor = "#ffffff"
- description
- Defines the site meta description.
- author
- Defines the site meta author.
- favicon
- Sets whether their is comprehensive favicon support beyond a root directory
file. The theme's naming scheme is based on the favicons generated by https://realfavicongenerator.net. - svg
- Sets whether there is an SVG favicon
- faviconVersion
- Defines the current version of the favicon.
- msColor and iOSColor
- Defines the background color for when the site is represented by an app tile. It is recommended to copy this directly from https://realfavicongenerator.net after generating your favicon.
navbarTitle = "Future Imperfect"
dynamicTitles = true
searchMenu = true
shareMenu = true
languageMenu = true
- navbarTitle
- Defines the title in the navbar.
- dynamicTitles
- Sets whether the navbarTitle adjusts to page.
- searchMenu
- Sets whether there is a search menu globally accessible from the navbar.
- shareMenu
- Sets whether there is a share menu globally accessible from the navbar.
- languageMenu
- Sets whether there is a language menu globally accessible from the navbar.
These are optional parameters related to the sidebar of the site. They are recommended, but not required for the theme to function properly. HTML is supported within the parameters.
header = "Hugo Future Imperfect Slim"
paragraph = "Another fine, responsive site template by <a href='http://html5up.net'>HTML5 UP</a>."
rssIntro = true
socialIntro = true
hideWhenSingleColumn = false
alwaysOnHomepage = false
src = "/img/main/logo.jpg"
shape = "circle"
width = ""
alt = "Hugo Future Imperfect Slim"
- header
- Defines the title for the site intro.
- paragraph
- Defines the subtitle for the site intro.
- rssIntro
- Sets whether an RSS icon is displayed for the site intro.
- socialIntro
- Sets whether social media icons are displayed for the site intro.
- hideWhenSingleColumn
- Sets whether the site intro hides itself on mobile displays.
- alwaysOnHomepage
- Sets whether the site intro remains visible on the homepage, even when hidden on mobile displays.
- src
- Defines the path to the picture for the site intro.
- shape
- Defines the image mask to use for the site intro image. Supported masks are triangle, trapezoid, parallelogram, rhombus, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, bevel, rabbet, left-arrow, right-arrow, left-point, right-point, left-cheveron, right-cheveron, star, cross, message, close, circle, vertical-ellipse, and horizontal-ellipse. To see each of these masks, please visit https://bennettfeely.com/clippy/
- width
- Defines the width to use for the site intro image. The theme is designed for widths of 100px or less.
- alt
- Defines the alt text to use for the site intro image.
about = "This theme was developed for Hugo static site generator."
postAmount = 5
categories = true
categoriesByCount = true
- about
- Defines text in the "About" area of the sidebar.
- postAmount
- Defines the number of posts to display in the "Recent Posts" area of the sidebar.
- categories
- Sets whether to display the "Categories" area of the sidebar.
- categoriesByCount
- Sets whether to sort the categories by count.
rssFooter = true
socialFooter = true
- rssIntro
- Sets whether an RSS icon is displayed for the site footer.
- socialIntro
- Sets whether social media icons are displayed for the site footer.
Hugo Future Imperfect Slim comes with Staticman integration built-in. If Disque is enabled, it will take priority of Staticman. Feel free to check out both and decide which makes the most sense for your site. Please check staticman.yml
for additional settings.
enabled = false
api = "" # No Trailing Slash
gitProvider = "github"
username = ""
repo = ""
branch = ""
siteKey = ""
encryptedKey = ""
- enabled
- Sets whether to use Staticman for comments.
- api
- Defines link to Staticman API.
- gitProvider, username, repo, & branch
- Defines the path to post comments to.
- siteKey & encryptedKey
- Defines the keys required for reCAPTCHA to work. Please see the Staticman documentation for additional information.
name = "Home"
identifier = "home"
url = "/"
pre = "<i class='fa fa-home'></i>"
weight = 1
name = "About"
identifier = "about"
url = "/about/"
pre = "<i class='far fa-id-card'></i>"
weight = 2
- name
- Defines the text of the menu item.
- identifier
- Defines the menu item to Hugo. Used for sub-menus, which is in development.
- url
- Defines the link of the menu item.
- pre
- Defines an object (such as a FontAwesome icon) or text to prepend to the menu item.
- weight
- Defines the order of the menu item.
This section is exclusively for multilingual sites. If you do not need this functionality, feel free to delete everything from wtihin this section.
The parameters here are exactly the same as parameters throughout the theme, and serve as a way to translate or modify the theme for other languages. Currently, the theme has native support for the following languages:
- German
- English
- Spanish
- French
- Japanese
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Traditional Chinese
- Simplified Chinese
If your language is not supported, we encourage you to create the apporiate language menues in the config.toml
, a i18n
file similar to the others in the theme, and then create a pull request!
LanguageCode = "en"
LanguageName = "English"
weight = 1
LanguageCode = "fr"
LanguageName = "Français"
title = "Hugo Future Imperfect Slim en français"
description = "Un thème par HTML5 UP, porté par Julio Pescador. Simplifié et amélioré par Patrick Collins. Multilingue par StatnMap. Propulsé par Hugo."
weight = 2
name = "Accueil"
identifier = "home"
url = "/"
pre = "<i class='fas fa-home'></i>"
weight = 1
These parameters create a link to your social media accounts. You should use your username unless another value is requested. There are affected by socialAppearAtTop
and socialAppearAtBottom
# Coding Communities
github = "pacollins/hugo-future-imperfect-slim"
gitlab = ""
stackoverflow = "" # User Number
bitbucket = ""
This theme and the Wiki are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. "Future Imperfect" is a theme by HTML5 UP licensed under the same terms. Please read the license for more information.