SODA nbp(North-Bound Plugin) Project focuses to extend all the industry platforms and application solutions to interface with SODA API or make the platform compliant with SODA API developing a plugin. So, with thin, easy to develop north-bound plugins, any platforms can be connected to SODA Platform.
We support industry's top platforms (i.e. Kubernetes, OpenStack, Vsphere, ...) with more platforms included in each new release based on users/community demands.
If the application or platform is already compliant with SODA API, the plugin is not needed, as the platform can directly connect to SODA API layer.
This is one of the SODA Core Projects and is maintained by SODA Foundation directly. We recommend building more northbound plugins under this project for each new platform. However there can be cases, one can develop a specific platform plugin and maintain separately. As long as it follows the SODA API standards, it can be submitted to add as a soda landscape project.
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We envision to support all the industry platforms with SODA Unified Data Framework, either directly or through the northbound plugins. Hence, we will be adding support for more platforms and clients through new plugins.
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