A fullstack app built with NextJS/TS, Prisma, MongoDB, Material UI, Next API, Next Authentication with features to add projects, edit, delete, toggle projects on & off and filter projects based on tech stacks.
[Live Demo](coming soon)
- NextJS - React Framework
- TypeScript - Static Typing
- Prisma - ORM
- MongoDB - Database
- Material UI - UI Library
- Next API - API Routes
- Next Authentication - Authentication
- Next Image - Image Optimization
- Next SEO - SEO
- Node.js - Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- MongoDB - MongoDB is a general purpose, document-based, distributed database built for modern application developers and for the cloud era.
- Prisma - Prisma is a next-generation ORM for Node.js and TypeScript.
- Clone the repo
git clone /~https://github.com/olaishola05/ola.git
- Install dependencies
npm install
npx prisma generate
- Create a
file in the root directory and add the following environment variables
MONGODB_DB= # Your MongoDB Database Name
NEXTAUTH_URL= # Your Next Auth URL
NEXTAUTH_SECRET= # Your Next Auth Secret
- Run the development server
npm run dev
- Open http://localhost:8000 with your browser to see the result.
- Create a Vercel account
- Install Vercel CLI
npm i -g vercel
- Login to Vercel
vercel login
- Deploy to Vercel
- GitHub: @olaishola05
- Twitter: @olaishola05
- LinkedIn: Oladipupo Ishola
- Medium: @olaishola
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page here 😏😏.
- Give a ⭐ if you like this project
- Thanks to everyone building tools to make developers lives easier
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details