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The Natural Earth Quick Start for QGIS project includes multiple localization options including for names used in text labels; boundary lines for admin-0, admin-1 and disputed regions; and country polygons used for choropleth mapping.

To change the QGIS project variables, use the Project > Properties menu item and choose Variables in the left table of contents. Scroll down to the bottom of the list to find the following Natural Earth specific variables:

QGIS project properties - variable

The sections below explain each variable and available values. The values power functions used in data driven labeling and styling in the QGIS project.

Setting Names Localization

Natural Earth includes name localizations for 26 languages across several dozen themes including populated places, all admin-0, admin-1, rivers, lakes, playas, geographic lines, physical labels, parks, and airports (since version 4).

The QGIS project includes the following variables:

  • project_language (default: name_en)
  • project_language_fallback (default: name)

The following Natural Earth property names can be used to specify the labeling language:

Language Native name NE property ISO 639-2 code ISO_639-1 code
Arabic اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ name_ar ara ar
Bengali বাংলা name_bn ben bn
German Deutsch name_de deu de
English English name_en eng en
Spanish español name_es spa es
Farsi فارسی name_fa fas fa
French français name_fr fra fr
Greek Νέα Ελληνικά name_el ell el
Hebrew עברית name_he heb he
Hindi हिन्दी name_hi hin hi
Hungarian magyar name_hu hun hu
Indonesian bahasa Indonesia name_id ind id
Italian italiano name_it ita it
Japanese 日本語 name_ja jpn ja
Korean 한국어 name_ko kor ko
Dutch Nederlands name_nl nld nl
Polish Język polski name_pl pol pl
Portuguese português name_pt por pt
Russian русский язык name_ru rus ru
Swedish svenska name_sv swe sv
Turkish Türkçe name_tr tur tr
Ukrainian Українська мова name_uk ukr uk
Urdu اُردُو name_ur urd ur
Vietnamese Tiếng Việt name_vi vie vi
Chinese simplified 中文 汉语 name_zhs zho zh
Chinese traditional 中文 漢語 name_zht zho zh

A full 2-character language code decoder ring is available.

Each Natural Earth release name localizations are collected from Wikidata via the wikidataid concordance value on the Natural Earth feature. If you see a localized name that is missing or in error, please fix the corresponding Wikidata record and file a Github issue noting the change and asking for the script to be re-run.

Many thanks to Wikidata for their CC0 license!

Setting Boundary POV

Natural Earth includes support for defacto and alternate points of view (aka worldview) with different admin-0 fclass_* properties (like fclass_iso). The QGIS project includes a data driven toggle for adjusting the point-of-view for country, map units, state and provinces, and disputed boundaries (since version 5).

The QGIS project includes the following variables:

  • project_pov (default: fclass)
  • project_pov_fallback (default: fclass)

The following country and international organizations worldviews are supported:

Country Native name NE property Recommended name pairing
Argentina Argentina fclass_ar name_es
Bangladesh বাংলাদেশ fclass_bd name_bn
Brazil Brasil fclass_br name_pt
China 中国 fclass_cn name_zhs
Egypt مصر fclass_eg name_ar
France France fclass_fr name_fr
Germany Deutschland fclass_de name_de
Greece Ελλάς fclass_gr name_el
India भारत fclass_in name_hi
Indonesia Indonesia fclass_id name_id
Israel ישראל fclass_il name_he
Italy Italia fclass_it name_it
Japan 日本 fclass_jp name_ja
Morocco المغرب fclass_ma name_ar
Nepal नेपाल fclass_np name
Netherlands Nederland fclass_nl name_nl
Pakistan پاکستان fclass_pk name_ur
Palestine فلسطين fclass_ps name_ar
Poland Polska fclass_pl name_pl
Portugal Portugal fclass_pt name_pt
Russia Россия fclass_ru name_ru
Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية fclass_sa name_ar
South Korea 한국 fclass_ko name_ko
Spain España fclass_es name_es
Sweden Sverige fclass_se name_sv
Taiwan 中華民國 fclass_tw name_zht
Turkey Türkiye fclass_tr name_tr
Ukraine Україна fclass_ua name_uk
United Kingdom United Kingdom fclass_gb name_en
United States United States fclass_us name_en
Vietnam Việt Nam fclass_vn name_vi
ISO* ISO fclass_iso name_en or name_fr

*: NOTE: ISO stands for the International Organization for Standards.

Setting Country Polygon POV

Alternate point-of-views for ne_10m_admin_0_countries theme are available preassembled for 31 different viewpoints (eg fclass_*), in the format ne_10m_admin_0_countries_* where * is the Natural Earth alpha-3 code (since version 5). These are helpful for building choropleth maps – though be aware the population, area, and other statitics are for the defacto shape not the POV shape. If the country is a liberal democracy, then the defacto status might be shown instead of official policy (eg Spain and Gibralter), But when a country has a strict legal policy around showing it's own or another countries boundaries that is followed. For example: Argentina is ne_10m_admin_0_countries_arg.

NOTE: These variants are NOT included in the QGIS package, you must download them from the website and add them to the QGIS project manually.

The following country and international organizations worldviews are supported:

Country Native name NE alpha-3 code* NE alpha-2 code* Recommended name pairing
Argentina Argentina arg ar name_es
Bangladesh বাংলাদেশ bdg bd name_bn
Brazil Brasil bra br name_pt
China 中国 chn cn name_zhs
Germany Deutschland deu de name_de
Egypt مصر egy eg name_ar
Spain España esp es name_es
France France fra fr name_fr
United Kingdom United Kingdom gbr gb name_en
Greece Ελλάς grc gr name_el
Indonesia Indonesia idn id name_id
India भारत ind in name_hi
Israel ישראל isl il name_he
Italy Italia ita it name_it
Japan 日本 jpn jp name_ja
South Korea 한국 kor ko name_ko
Morocco المغرب mar ma name_ar
Nepal नेपाल nep np name
Netherlands Nederland nld nl name_nl
Pakistan پاکستان pak pk name_ur
Poland Polska pol pl name_pl
Portugal Portugal prt pt name_pt
Palestine فلسطين pse ps name_ar
Russia Россия rus ru name_ru
Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية sau sa name_ar
Sweden Sverige swe se name_sv
Turkey Türkiye tur tr name_tr
Taiwan 中華民國 twn tw name_zht
Ukraine Україна ukr ua name_uk
United States United States usa us name_en
Vietnam Việt Nam vnm vn name_vi
ISO** ISO iso n/a name_en or name_fr

* NOTE: In most but not all cases the Natural Earth alpha-3 and alpha-2 codes are the same as ISO alpha-3 and alpha-2 codes.

**: NOTE: ISO stands for the International Organization for Standards.