- MySQL to NoSQL database replication
- MySQL to search engine replication
- Invalidate cache when something change in database
- Audit
- Real time analytics
A work in progress documentation is available here: https://python-mysql-replication.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
Instruction about building documentation is available here: https://python-mysql-replication.readthedocs.org/en/latest/developement.html
pip install mysql-replication
You can get support and discuss about new features on: /~https://github.com/julien-duponchelle/python-mysql-replication/discussions
The project is test with:
- MySQL 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 (v0.1 ~ v0.45)
- MySQL 8.0.14 (v1.0 ~)
- MariaDB 10.6
- Python 3.7, 3.11
- PyPy 3.7, 3.9 (really faster than the standard Python interpreter)
MySQL version 8.0.14 and later Set global variable binlog_row_metadata='FULL' and binlog_row_image='FULL'
The project is used in production for critical stuff in some medium internet corporations. But all use case as not been perfectly test in the real world.
- Data Pipelines Pocket Reference (by James Densmore, O'Reilly): Introduced and exemplified in Chapter 4: Data Ingestion: Extracting Data.
- Streaming Changes in a Database with Amazon Kinesis (by Emmanuel Espina, Amazon Web Services)
- Near Zero Downtime Migration from MySQL to DynamoDB (by YongSeong Lee, Amazon Web Services)
- Enable change data capture on Amazon RDS for MySQL applications that are using XA transactions (by Baruch Assif, Amazon Web Services)
- Reading MySQL Binlog with Python
- Using python-mysql-replication with Dolt
- pg_chameleon: Migration and replica from MySQL to PostgreSQL /~https://github.com/the4thdoctor/pg_chameleon
- Yelp Data Pipeline: https://engineeringblog.yelp.com/2016/11/open-sourcing-yelps-data-pipeline.html
- Singer.io Tap for MySQL (/~https://github.com/singer-io/tap-mysql)
- MySQL River Plugin for ElasticSearch: /~https://github.com/scharron/elasticsearch-river-mysql
- Ditto: MySQL to MemSQL replicator /~https://github.com/memsql/ditto
- ElasticMage: Full Magento integration with ElasticSearch /~https://github.com/ElasticMage/elasticmage
- Cache buster: an automatic cache invalidation system /~https://github.com/rackerlabs/cache-busters
- Zabbix collector for OpenTSDB /~https://github.com/OpenTSDB/tcollector/blob/master/collectors/0/zabbix_bridge.py
- Meepo: Event sourcing and event broadcasting for databases. /~https://github.com/eleme/meepo
- Python MySQL Replication Blinker: This package read events from MySQL binlog and send to blinker's signal. /~https://github.com/tarzanjw/python-mysql-replication-blinker
- aiomysql_replication: Fork supporting asyncio /~https://github.com/jettify/aiomysql_replication
- python-mysql-eventprocessor: Daemon interface for handling MySQL binary log events. /~https://github.com/jffifa/python-mysql-eventprocessor
- mymongo: MySQL to mongo replication /~https://github.com/njordr/mymongo
- pg_ninja: The ninja elephant obfuscation and replica tool /~https://github.com/transferwise/pg_ninja/ (http://tech.transferwise.com/pg_ninja-replica-with-obfuscation/)
- MySQLStreamer: MySQLStreamer is a database change data capture and publish system /~https://github.com/Yelp/mysql_streamer
- binlog2sql: a popular binlog parser that could convert raw binlog to sql and also could generate flashback sql from raw binlog (/~https://github.com/danfengcao/binlog2sql)
- Streaming mysql binlog replication to Snowflake/Redshift/BigQuery (/~https://github.com/trainingrocket/mysql-binlog-replication)
- MySQL to Kafka (/~https://github.com/scottpersinger/mysql-to-kafka/)
- Aventri MySQL Monitor (/~https://github.com/aventri/mysql-monitor)
- BitSwanPump: A real-time stream processor (/~https://github.com/LibertyAces/BitSwanPump)
- clickhouse-mysql-data-reader: /~https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-mysql-data-reader
- py-mysql-elasticsearch-sync: /~https://github.com/jaehyeonpy/py-mysql-elasticsearch-sync
- synch: Sync data from other DB to ClickHouse (/~https://github.com/long2ice/synch)
- sb-osc: Online schema change tool created by Sendbird (/~https://github.com/sendbird/sb-osc)
In your MySQL server configuration file you need to enable replication:
server-id = 1
log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
binlog_expire_logs_seconds = 864000
max_binlog_size = 100M
binlog-format = ROW #Very important if you want to receive write, update and delete row events
binlog_row_metadata = FULL
binlog_row_image = FULL
reference: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/replication-options-binary-log.html
All examples are available in the examples directory
This example will dump all replication events to the console:
from pymysqlreplication import BinLogStreamReader
mysql_settings = {'host': '', 'port': 3306, 'user': 'root', 'passwd': ''}
stream = BinLogStreamReader(connection_settings = mysql_settings, server_id=100)
for binlogevent in stream:
For this SQL sessions:
use test;
INSERT INTO test4 (data,data2) VALUES ("Hello", "World");
UPDATE test4 SET data = "World", data2="Hello" WHERE id = 1;
DELETE FROM test4 WHERE id = 1;
Output will be:
=== RotateEvent ===
Date: 1970-01-01T01:00:00
Event size: 24
Read bytes: 0
=== FormatDescriptionEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:06
Event size: 84
Read bytes: 0
=== QueryEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:16
Event size: 64
Read bytes: 64
Schema: test
Execution time: 0
=== QueryEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:16
Event size: 151
Read bytes: 151
Schema: test
Execution time: 0
Query: CREATE TABLE test4 (id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, data VARCHAR(255), data2 VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY(id))
=== QueryEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:16
Event size: 49
Read bytes: 49
Schema: test
Execution time: 0
Query: BEGIN
=== TableMapEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:16
Event size: 31
Read bytes: 30
Table id: 781
Schema: test
Table: test4
Columns: 3
=== WriteRowsEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:16
Event size: 27
Read bytes: 10
Table: test.test4
Affected columns: 3
Changed rows: 1
* data : Hello
* id : 1
* data2 : World
=== XidEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:16
Event size: 8
Read bytes: 8
Transaction ID: 14097
=== QueryEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:17
Event size: 49
Read bytes: 49
Schema: test
Execution time: 0
Query: BEGIN
=== TableMapEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:17
Event size: 31
Read bytes: 30
Table id: 781
Schema: test
Table: test4
Columns: 3
=== UpdateRowsEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:17
Event size: 45
Read bytes: 11
Table: test.test4
Affected columns: 3
Changed rows: 1
Affected columns: 3
* data : Hello => World
* id : 1 => 1
* data2 : World => Hello
=== XidEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:17
Event size: 8
Read bytes: 8
Transaction ID: 14098
=== QueryEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:17
Event size: 49
Read bytes: 49
Schema: test
Execution time: 1
Query: BEGIN
=== TableMapEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:17
Event size: 31
Read bytes: 30
Table id: 781
Schema: test
Table: test4
Columns: 3
=== DeleteRowsEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:17
Event size: 27
Read bytes: 10
Table: test.test4
Affected columns: 3
Changed rows: 1
* data : World
* id : 1
* data2 : Hello
=== XidEvent ===
Date: 2012-10-07T15:03:17
Event size: 8
Read bytes: 8
Transaction ID: 14099
When it's possible we have a unit test.
More information is available here: https://python-mysql-replication.readthedocs.org/en/latest/developement.html
- Kodoma: Ruby-binlog based MySQL replication listener /~https://github.com/y310/kodama
- MySQL Hadoop Applier: C++ version http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/mysql-hadoop-applier.html
- Java: /~https://github.com/shyiko/mysql-binlog-connector-java
- GO: /~https://github.com/siddontang/go-mysql
- PHP: Based on this this project /~https://github.com/krowinski/php-mysql-replication and /~https://github.com/fengxiangyun/mysql-replication
- .NET: /~https://github.com/SciSharp/dotnet-mysql-replication
- .NET Core: /~https://github.com/rusuly/MySqlCdc
- MySQL binlog from Jeremy Cole was a great source of knowledge about MySQL replication protocol /~https://github.com/jeremycole/mysql_binlog
- Samuel Charron for his help /~https://github.com/scharron
Major contributor:
- Julien Duponchelle Original author /~https://github.com/noplay
- bjoernhaeuser for his bugs fixing, improvements and community support /~https://github.com/bjoernhaeuser
- Arthur Gautier gtid, slave report... /~https://github.com/baloo
- Julien Duponchelle Original author /~https://github.com/noplay
- Sean-k1 /~https://github.com/sean-k1
- dongwook-chan /~https://github.com/dongwook-chan
Other contributors:
- Dvir Volk for bug fix /~https://github.com/dvirsky
- Lior Sion code cleanup and improvements /~https://github.com/liorsion
- Lx Yu code improvements, primary keys detections /~https://github.com/lxyu
- Young King for pymysql 0.6 support /~https://github.com/youngking
- David Reid checksum checking fix /~https://github.com/dreid
- Alex Gaynor fix smallint24 /~https://github.com/alex
- lifei NotImplementedEvent /~https://github.com/lifei
- Maralla Python 3.4 fix /~https://github.com/maralla
- Daniel Gavrila more MySQL error codes /~https://github.com/danielduduta
- Bernardo Sulzbach code cleanup /~https://github.com/mafagafogigante
- Darioush Jalali Python 2.6 backport /~https://github.com/darioush
- Jasonz bug fixes /~https://github.com/jasonzzz
- Bartek Ogryczak cleanup and improvements /~https://github.com/vartec
- Wang, Xiaozhe cleanup /~https://github.com/chaoslawful
- siddontang improvements /~https://github.com/siddontang
- Cheng Chen Python 2.6 compatibility /~https://github.com/cccc1999
- Jffifa utf8mb4 compatibility /~https://github.com/jffifa
- Romuald Brunet bug fixes /~https://github.com/romuald
- Cédric Hourcade Don't fail on incomplete dates /~https://github.com/hc
- Giacomo Lozito Explicit close stream connection on exception /~https://github.com/giacomolozito
- Giovanni F. MySQL 5.7 support /~https://github.com/26fe
- Igor Mastak intvar event /~https://github.com/mastak
- Xie Zhenye fix missing update _next_seq_no /~https://github.com/xiezhenye
- Abrar Sheikh: Multiple contributions /~https://github.com/abrarsheikh
- Keegan Parker: secondary database for reference schema /~https://github.com/kdparker
- Troy J. Farrell Clear table_map if RotateEvent has timestamp of 0 /~https://github.com/troyjfarrell
- Zhanwei Wang Fail to get table informations /~https://github.com/wangzw
- Alexander Ignatov Fix the JSON literal
- Garen Chan Support PyMysql with a version greater than 0.9.3 /~https://github.com/garenchan
- Mike Ascah: Add logic to handle inlined ints in large json documents ttps://github.com/mascah
- Hiroaki Kawai: PyMySQL 1.0 support (/~https://github.com/hkwi)
- Dongwook Chan: Support for ZEROFILL, Correct timedelta value for negative MySQL TIME datatype, Fix parsing of row events for MySQL8 partitioned table, Parse status variables in query event, Parse status variables in query event , Fix parse errors with MariaDB (/~https://github.com/dongwook-chan)
- Paul Vickers: Add support for specifying an end log_pos (/~https://github.com/paulvic)
- Samira El Aabidi: Add support for MariaDB GTID (/~https://github.com/Samira-El)
- Oliver Seemann: Handle large json, github actions, Zero-pad fixed-length binary fields (/~https://github.com/oseemann)
- Mahadir Ahmad: Handle null json payload (/~https://github.com/mahadirz)
- Axel Viala: Removal of Python 2.7 (/~https://github.com/darnuria)
- Etern: Add XAPrepareEvent, parse last_committed & sequence_number of GtidEvent (/~https://github.com/etern)
- Jason Fulghum: typo in ident variable name (/~https://github.com/fulghum)
Thanks to GetResponse for their support
Copyright 2012-2024 Julien Duponchelle
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.