The dynbuf library provides a dynamic memory buffer abstraction which provides writing, insertion and partial/total removal without worrying about memory management.
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typedef struct s_dynbuf
void *ptr;
size_t size;
size_t offset;
size_t radix;
} t_dynbuf;
// Returns a freshly allocated dynbuf that expands according to `radix`.
// If allocation fails, NULL is returned.
t_dynbuf *dynbuf_new(int radix);
// Returns a full copy of the given dynbuf, or NULL if it fails.
t_dynbuf *dynbuf_dup(const t_dynbuf *buf);
// Free the given dynbuf, and make it point to NULL.
void dynbuf_del(t_dynbuf **buf);
// Put dynbuf's offset to zero, allowing overwrite without realocation.
void dynbuf_clear(t_dynbuf *buf);
// Write `datasz` bytes from `data` to dynbuf, using dynbuf->offset as position.
// Returns the amount of written bytes, or -1 if it fails.
int dynbuf_write(t_dynbuf *buf, const void *data, int datasz);
// Insert `datasz` bytes from `data` to dynbuf, starting at `pos`.
// Returns the amout of inserted bytes, or -1 if it fails.
int dynbuf_insert(t_dynbuf *buf, int pos, const void *data, int datasz);
// Remove `datasz` bytes from dynbuf, starting at `pos`.
// Returns the amout of removed bytes, or -1 if it fails.
int dynbuf_pop(t_dynbuf *buf, int pos, int datasz);
// Returns a null-terminated string copy of dynbuf's data, or NULL if it fails.
char *dynbuf_tostr(t_dynbuf *buf);