This is a Quarto extension to provide a PDF letter template.
If you want to start with a template do:
quarto use template nareal/naletter
You just want to install the extension use:
quarto add nareal/naletter
This command installs the extensions under the _extension
If you want you can specify the version number:
quarto add nareal/naletter@v1.0
To update the extension use:
quarto update extension nareal/naletter
and to remove it:
quarto remove extension nareal/naletter
You can use the following metadata fields:
title: "Notes title"
subtitle: "Notes subtitle"
author: "Author name"
date: "2022-10-06"
fromname: Nelson Areal
fromaddress: |
| School of Economics and Management
| University of Minho
| Campus de Gualtar
| 4710-057 Braga - Portugal
fromtitle: Associate Professor
fromphone: +351 253 601 923
toname: Helen of Troy
toaddress: University of Greece\newline Athens
opening: Dear Helen,
closing: Best regards,
spacing: 1.4
#sansfont: NewsGotT # Make sure you select a font installed in your system
lang: en-GB # pt-PT
babel-lang: british # portuguese
#date: Thursday, 18 October 2022
#logofilepath: um-eeg
#keep-tex: true
Here is the source code of the template: template.qmd and the rendered PDF file.