About | Requirements | Install | Features | Credits
Wekcome to my Neovim configuration.
- Based on LazyVim
- Blazing fast startup time with lazy.nvim
- Language Server Protocol with nvim-lspconfig
- Resolving lsp servers, linters and formatters mason.nvim
- Autocompletion with nvim-cmp
- Formatting with conform.nvim
- Asynchronous linter with nvim-lint
- Snippets with LuaSnip and friendly-snippets
- Fuzzy find with telescope.nvim and fzf-lua
I use this config. for my work as Full Stack Developer and for my hobby projects. Come with batteries included for Python
, Javascript (Vanilla and Vuejs)
, Typescrypt
, Rust
, Bash
, Markdown
, Makefile
and YAML (Ansible)
Install requires Neovim 0.10+.
Always review the code before installing a configuration.
- Nerd Fonts (v3.0 or greater).
- Git - to install nvim plugins with lazy.nvim.
- Node and NPM - to install language servers, formmaters and linters with mason.nvim.
- Python and PIP - to install language servers, formmaters and linters with mason.nvim.
- Cargo - to install language servers, formmaters and linters with mason.nvim.
- ripgrep (rg) - to search patterns with nvim-telescope.
- fd - to find files with nvim-telescope.
- lazygit (optional).
- a C compiler for nvim-treesitter.
If you have a previous Neovim
config, make sure to make a backup before installing this
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
Remove old Neovim
cache setup (if you have a previous Neovim
config) to a clean install:
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/state/nvim ~/.cache/nvim
To install this configuration, you just need to clone this repository:
git clone /~https://github.com/mstuttgart/nvim ~/.config/nvim --depth 1
Finally, start Neovim
Copyright (C) 2023-2024 by Michell Stuttgart