Todo Fullstack is a comprehensive task management application that showcases the integration between ASP.NET Core 8 Web API and React (Typescript). The application allows users to create, update, and delete task lists and tasks with priorities. It also supports user authentication and authorization with JWT tokens and refresh tokens.
As a software developer passionate about full-stack development, I created this project to strengthen my expertise in:
- Building production-grade REST APIs with ASP.NET Core 8.0
- Implementing secure authentication and authorization
- Developing modern frontend applications with React and TypeScript
- Working with databases, caching, and containerization
- Following industry best practices and design patterns
- Writing clean, maintainable, and testable code
This project serves as a practical demonstration of integrating multiple modern technologies while adhering to software engineering principles.
- ASP.NET Core 8.0
- Entity Framework Core with SQLite
- Redis for caching
- JWT Authentication
- Swagger API documentation
- Docker containerization
- React 18
- TypeScript
- Vite
- Bootstrap 5
- Axios for API communication
- User authentication (register, login, logout)
- JWT token management with refresh tokens
- Task lists management (CRUD operations)
- Tasks management with priorities (CRUD operations)
- Responsive design
- Real-time task status updates
- Caching for improved performance
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Node.js 20+ (for local development)
- .NET 8.0 SDK (for local development)
Clone the repository:
git clone /~ cd TodoFullstack
Development (local) Setup:
For Backend:
cd server dotnet restore dotnet build dotnet run --launch-profile https --project Todo.Api/Todo.Api.csproj
For Frontend:
cd client npm install npm run dev
Docker Setup (Production):
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
"ConnectionStrings": {
"SqliteConnection": "Data Source=Database/todo.db",
"RedisConnection": "localhost:6379"
"JwtConfigurations": {
"SecretKey": "your-secret-key",
"Issuer": "Todo.Api",
"Audience": "http://localhost:5076",
"AccessTokenExpirationDays": 30,
"RefreshTokenExpirationDays": 90
When running, access the Swagger documentation at:
- Development:
- Production:
├── client/ # React frontend
│ ├── src/
│ │ ├── API/ # API integration
│ │ ├── Authentication/ # Auth components
│ │ ├── Dashboard/ # Main app components
│ │ └── Navbar/ # Navigation components
│ └── ...
├── server/ # ASP.NET Core backend
│ ├── Todo.Api/ # API endpoints
│ ├── Todo.Core/ # Domain models
│ ├── Todo.Infrastructure/ # Data access & services
│ └── Todo.UnitTests/ # Unit tests
├── docker-compose.yml
- API Development:
- Use Visual Studio or VS Code
- Run
dotnet watch
in the Todo.Api directory - Access the API at
- Frontend Development:
- Use VS Code
- Run
npm run dev
in the client directory - Access the app at
Deploy the application:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build -d
The application will be available at:
- Frontend:
- Backend API:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE for details.
Created by Mohamed Al-Adawy
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch
- Commit your changes
- Push to the branch
- Create a Pull Request
For support, contact the author or open an issue on GitHub.