String helpers, for Node.js 14+ and the browser.
Execute the following command from your project folder, where your package.json
file is stored:
npm i @marcelkloubert/strings
import { asString } from "@marcelkloubert/strings"
const myObject = {
toString: () => "!!!myObject!!!",
asString(12) // "12"
asString("") // ""
asString(null) // ""
asString(undefined) // ""
asString(myObject) // "!!!myObject!!!"
import { format } from "@marcelkloubert/strings"
format("{1}, {0}", "Marcel", "Kloubert") // "Kloubert, Marcel"
format("{1:lower,trim}, {0:upper}", "Marcel", " kloubert ") // "kloubert, MARCEL"
format("{1}, {0} Joachim", null, undefined) // "{1}, Joachim"
import { formatArray } from "@marcelkloubert/strings"
function* asGenerator(...args: any[]) {
for (const a of args) {
yield a
formatArray("{1}, {0}", ["Marcel", "Kloubert"]) // "Kloubert, Marcel"
formatArray("{1:lower,trim}, {0:upper}", asGenerator("Marcel", " kloubert ")) // "kloubert, MARCEL"
formatArray("{1}, {0} Joachim", [null, undefined]) // "{1}, Joachim"
import { StringBuilder } from "@marcelkloubert/strings"
const str = new StringBuilder("Bar") // "Bar"
.append("Foo") // "FooBar"
.prependFormat("{1}, {0:upper,trim} ", " Marcel ", "Klbert") // "Klbert, MARCEL FooBar"
.replace("MARCEL", "Tanja") // "Klbert, Tanja FooBar"
.insert(2, "ou") // "Kloubert, Tanja FooBar"
.clear() // ""
str.isEmpty // (true)
str.equals("") // (true)
str.equals(null) // (true)
str.equals(undefined) // (true)
The API documentation can be found here.
MIT © Marcel Joachim Kloubert