This repository contains the sources for the Mixxx User Manual as found at
The manual is written in reStructuredText format using the Sphinx documentation generator.
First Download the latest Mixxx manual source or clone the repository
$ git clone /~
Next, install the dependencies using pip. From within the repository root
(type cd manual
after typing the above command):
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If you do not wish to use pip:
- Install Sphinx, the documentation generator.
Install Graphviz, graph visualization software (used to draw some diagrams)
To upgrade dependencies using pip:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
If you'd like to build manual PDFs, you will need a functioning LaTeX installation.
- On Mac, install MacTeX (Basic TeX).
- On Debian-based systems, install
Once you have the repository cloned and dependencies installed you can edit and build the manual to see your changes.
- Edit .rst files in
- Run
make html
to build an HTML version of the manual - Open the file
in your Web browser to view the results
Run make linkcheck
in the terminal. Sphinx will validate all internal and
external links in the document, and let you know if any links are malformed, or
point to dead URLs.
The Mixxx manual is based on sound learning principles, and is supposed to be user-friendly & motivational. Please refer to the guidelines for style conventions.
Note When updating the keyboard mapping sheet apply the changes to the source file in mixxxdj/mixxx first, then create a cropped version of that for the manual.
- Clone the repository
git clone /~
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
(see above) - Install [Graphviz] as requirement to build the manual locally
- Install pre-commit, then run
pre-commit install
to enable automatic commit checks - Perform changes
- Build the HTML manual locally using
sphinx-build -W -b html source build/html
and check the output in thebuild/html
directory in your browser - Once you're happy with the changes stage them with
git add -A
(all) orgit add -p
(interactive selection) - Commit staged changes
git commit -m "Insert short summary of your changes here"
- Push changes
git push
- Submit a pull request
- Commit file edits through the GitHub web interface using the Fork and Edit button
- Submit a pull request
The Mixxx manual is translated using the Transifex web service for team translation.
If you did not install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
above then you must manually install the following dependencies:
- sphinx-intl, a utility that makes it easy to translate and compile translations to Sphinx projects.
- transifex-client. Transifex allows collaborative translation via a web interface. The Python-based command line client makes it easy to fetch and push translations.
Install transifex-client on Linux and macOS
$ pip install transifex-client
Install transifex-client on Windows
The easiest way to install it is with pip:
$ easy_install pip
$ pip install transifex-client
The first line installs pip on a system level. Then it installs the Transifex Client using pip.
If you do not wish to use pip, download the latest releases from /~
You will need to make a .transifexrc
in your home directory with your
username and password to use the Transifex client. See
transifex-configuration for more details.
These steps document how to maintain the translations of the Mixxx manual. Typically, unless you are a manual maintainer you do not need to perform these steps. However, it is appreciated if you update the source translations when making changes to the manual.
For every change to the manual source files (.rst) the source translation files
(.pot) must be re-generated. These are stored in source/locale/pot
and contain
the text of every English phrase in the manual in a common format used for
translation and can be regenerated with:
make gettext
Additionally, for every new source file added (i.e. new chapters or manual
pages) the Transifex configuration file (stored in .tx/config
) needs updating:
sphinx-intl update-txconfig-resources --transifex-organization-name mixxx-dj-software --pot-dir source/locale/pot --transifex-project-name mixxx-dj-manual-25 --locale-dir source/locale
Commit the new source translations and Transifex configuration with:
git add source/locale/pot .tx
git commit -m "Update source translations and Transifex configuration."
After generating new source translation files and updating the Transifex configuration, you must push the new source files to Transifex to be translated.
To do this, run:
tx push -s
To pull newly completed translation (.po) files from Transifex, run:
tx pull -a -f
Commit the changes to the repository with:
git add source/locale
git commit -m "Pull latest translations from Transifex."
To compile the translations (.po) from Transifex into compiled translation (.mo) files, run:
sphinx-intl build
We do not check .mo files into the repository, so make sure you do not add
them (they are ignored by our .gitignore
Note: it's good practice to clean your build directory first:
make clean
For example, to build an HTML manual for de
sphinx-intl build
make -e SPHINXOPTS="-Dlanguage=de" html
Unless an error occurred, your translated HTML manual is in the build/html
To build a PDF manual:
sphinx-intl build
make -e SPHINXOPTS="-Dlanguage=de" pdf
Your translated PDF manual is located at build/latex/Mixxx-Manual.pdf
For more information on Translating with Sphinx, see Sphinx i18n.
- Fix and delete todos listed in
- Fix and close issues listed in /~
- Temporarily disable the For documentation writers toctree from TOC in
- Update the release and version tags in
- Tag the repository with the version number, and create a new release.
- Check the output compiles correctly and does not produce any warnings
- Add translated html output for all available languages, see i18n
ON some systems, using the system package version of pip and running the command
pip install -r requirements.txt
might damage the python installation.
Concretely, pyopenssl might get damaged and you might get an error saying
'module' object has no attribute 'SSL_ST_INIT'
This happens because the repository has an old version and when installing/updating the requirements, the scripts break.
The solution to fix this consists on deleting the broken files, remove the installed package and install it manually (all commands require access privileges, so use sudo or whatever you need)
Fix python:
rm -rf /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/OpenSSL
rm -rf /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyOpenSSL-0.15.1.egg-info
Remove pip and repair python just in case:
apt-get purge python-pip
apt-get install --reinstall python
Install pip manually:
curl -o
Alternatively, instead of installing pip on the system, you can also install a python-virtualenv and then use PyPI in that virtualenv.
First, in order to have "pip", you need to install python. Python 2.7.12 and onwards already include pip, but you should follow the steps to upgrade it:
python -m pip install -U pip
When installing the required dependencies, you will most probably get an error which says that you need to manually install Visual studio. Concretely, you will see this:
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat).
Get it from
Follow that link to download an installer named VCForPython27.msi. Also, in that same link, open the "System requirements" section and download the x86 or x64 (or both) version of the Microsoft Visual C++ runtimes.
After installing the requirements via pip install -r requirements.txt
running make html
, you might get the error
WARNING: dot command 'dot' cannot be run (needed for graphviz output), check the
graphviz_dot setting
Graphviz possibly is not installed to its default location (the path must
contain an executable, not only a directory)
or /usr/bin/dot
Check the path with
pip show graphviz
pip uninstall graphviz
install again using brew
brew install graphviz
- Windows, Linux, macos : Atom, Visual Studio Code, Sublime
- Linux: Kate, Retext
- Windows: Intype
- Webapp: Notex
Even more reStructuredText resources: