- Open-Source Remote Administration Tool For Windows C# (RAT)
- .NET c2 framework that serves as a collaborative command and control platform for red teamers.
- SafetyKatz - C# Loader for Mimikatz
- Rubeus - C# toolset for raw Kerberos interaction and abuses
- SharpDPAPI - C# port of some Mimikatz DPAPI functionality
- SharpWMI - C# implementation of various WMI functionality
- SharpUp - C# port of various PowerUp functionality
- Seatbelt - C# project that performs a number of security oriented host-survey "safety checks"
- SharpDump - C# port of PowerSploit's Out-Minidump.ps1 functionality
- SharpRoast - C# port of various PowerView's Kerberoasting functionality
- C# Targeted Attack Reconnissance Tools
- The BloodHound C# Ingestor
- Windows persistence toolkit written in C#
- Remote Desktop Protocol .NET Console Application for Authenticated Command Execution
- Payload Generation Framework
- SharpSploit is a .NET post-exploitation library written in C#
- C# implementation of harmj0y's PowerView
- .NET 2.0 CLR project to retrieve saved browser credentials from Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer/Edge.
- Enumerate missing KBs and suggest exploits for useful Privilege Escalation vulnerabilities