Kahlan specs suite for Laravel
- Support Laravel test methods
- Support Laravel test traits
- Support Laravel test assertions
$ composer require --dev midnightsuyama/laravel-kahlan4
Add this line to your kahlan-config.php file (create it if necessary):
$ ./vendor/bin/kahlan
// spec/User.spec.php
describe('User', function() {
it('has a name "example"', function() {
$user = factory(App\User::class)->make(['name' => 'xample']);
$ ./vendor/bin/kahlan
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The PHP Test Framework for Freedom, Truth and Justice.
src directory :
spec directory : /spec
F 1 / 1 (100%)
✖ it has a name "example"
expect->toEqual() failed in `./spec/User.spec.php` line 7
It expect actual to be equal to expected (==).
(string) "xample"
(string) "example"
Expectations : 1 Executed
Specifications : 0 Pending, 0 Excluded, 0 Skipped
Passed 0 of 1 FAIL (FAILURE: 1) in 0.817 seconds (using 20MB)
$response = $this->laravel->get('/');
is an instance of Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase
subclass. It can call test methods of Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase;
describe('User table', function() {
beforeAll(function() {
it('has no records', function() {
$count = App\User::count();
Call $this->laravel->useTrait()
in beforeAll
, if you want to use test traits. That trait is set before beforeEach
is called.
- Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase
- Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseMigrations
- Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseTransactions
- Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithoutMiddleware
- Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithoutEvents
- Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithFaker
Provied custom matchers. toPass*
matcher is paired with assert*
assertion by Laravel.
describe('Response', function() {
it('has a 200 status code', function() {
$response = $this->laravel->get('/');
Matcher | Description |
toPassSuccessful() | The response has a successful status code. |
toPassOk() | The response has a 200 status code. |
toPassNotFound() | The response has a not found status code. |
toPassForbidden() | The response has a forbidden status code. |
toPassUnauthorized() | The response has an unauthorized status code. |
toPassCreated() | The response has a 201 status code. |
toPassNoContent($status = 204) | The response has the given status code and no content. |
toPassStatus($status) | The response has the given status code. |
toPassRedirect($uri = null) | The response is redirecting to a given URI. |
toPassHeader($headerName, $value = null) | The response contains the given header and equals the optional value. |
toPassHeaderMissing($headerName) | The response does not contains the given header. |
toPassLocation($uri) | The current location header matches the given URI. |
toPassPlainCookie($cookieName, $value = null) | The response contains the given cookie and equals the optional value. |
toPassCookie($cookieName, $value = null, $encrypted = true, $unserialize = false) | The response contains the given cookie and equals the optional value. |
toPassCookieExpired($cookieName) | The response contains the given cookie and is expired. |
toPassCookieNotExpired($cookieName) | The response contains the given cookie and is not expired. |
toPassCookieMissing($cookieName) | The response does not contains the given cookie. |
toPassSee($value) | The given string is contained within the response. |
toPassSeeInOrder(array $values) | The given strings are contained in order within the response. |
toPassSeeText($value) | The given string is contained within the response text. |
toPassSeeTextInOrder(array $values) | The given strings are contained in order within the response text. |
toPassDontSee($value) | The given string is not contained within the response. |
toPassDontSeeText($value) | The given string is not contained within the response text. |
toPassJson(array $data, $strict = false) | The response is a superset of the given JSON. |
toPassExactJson(array $data) | The response has the exact given JSON. |
toPassJsonFragment(array $data) | The response contains the given JSON fragment. |
toPassJsonMissing(array $data, $exact = false) | The response does not contain the given JSON fragment. |
toPassJsonMissingExact(array $data) | The response does not contain the exact JSON fragment. |
toPassJsonPath($path, $expect, $strict = false) | The expected value exists at the given path in the response. |
toPassJsonStructure(array $structure = null, $responseData = null) | The response has a given JSON structure. |
toPassJsonCount(int $count, $key = null) | The response JSON has the expected count of items at the given key. |
toPassJsonValidationErrors($errors) | The response has the given JSON validation errors. |
toPassJsonMissingValidationErrors($keys = null) | The response has no JSON validation errors for the given keys. |
toPassViewIs($value) | The response view equals the given value. |
toPassViewHas($key, $value = null) | The response view has a given piece of bound data. |
toPassViewHasAll(array $bindings) | The response view has a given list of bound data. |
toPassViewMissing($key) | The response view is missing a piece of bound data. |
toPassSessionHas($key, $value = null) | The session has a given value. |
toPassSessionHasAll(array $bindings) | The session has a given list of values. |
toPassSessionHasInput($key, $value = null) | The session has a given value in the flashed input array. |
toPassSessionHasErrors($keys = [], $format = null, $errorBag = 'default') | The session has the given errors. |
toPassSessionDoesntHaveErrors($keys = [], $format = null, $errorBag = 'default') | The session is missing the given errors. |
toPassSessionHasNoErrors() | The session has no errors. |
toPassSessionHasErrorsIn($errorBag, $keys = [], $format = null) | The session has the given errors. |
toPassSessionMissing($key) | The session does not have a given key. |
describe('User', function() {
it('is authenticated', function() {
$user = factory(App\User::class)->make();
Matcher | Description |
toPassAuthenticated($guard = null) | The user is authenticated. |
toPassGuest($guard = null) | The user is not authenticated. |
toPassAuthenticatedAs($user, $guard = null) | The user is authenticated as the given user. |
toPassCredentials(array $credentials, $guard = null) | The given credentials are valid. |
toPassInvalidCredentials(array $credentials, $guard = null) | The given credentials are invalid. |
describe('User table', function() {
it('has records', function() {
$user = factory(App\User::class)->create();
expect($this->laravel)->toPassDatabaseHas('users', ['email' => $user['email']]);
Matcher | Description |
toPassDatabaseHas($table, array $data, $connection = null) | A given where condition exists in the database. |
toPassDatabaseMissing($table, array $data, $connection = null) | A given where condition does not exist in the database. |
toPassSoftDeleted($table, array $data = [], $connection = null) | The given record has been deleted. |
use Illuminate\Auth\Notifications\VerifyEmail;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
describe('User', function() {
it('is notified', function() {
$notification = Notification::fake();
$user = factory(App\User::class)->create();
$user->notify(new VerifyEmail);
expect($notification)->toPassSentTo($user, VerifyEmail::class);
Matcher | Description |
toPassNothingSent() | No notifications were sent. |
toPassSentTo($notifiable, $notification, $callback = null) | The given notification was sent based on a truth-test callback. |
toPassNotSentTo($notifiable, $notification, $callback = null) | The given notification was not sent based on a truth-test callback. |
toPassSentToTimes($notifiable, $notification, $times = 1) | The given notification was sent a number of times. |
toPassTimesSent($expectedCount, $notification) | The total amount of times a notification was sent. |
$ cd test-project
$ composer install
$ touch database/database.sqlite
$ php artisan migrate --env=testing
$ ./vendor/bin/kahlan
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The PHP Test Framework for Freedom, Truth and Justice.
src directory :
spec directory : /test-project/spec
............................................................. 61 / 61 (100%)
Expectations : 61 Executed
Specifications : 0 Pending, 0 Excluded, 0 Skipped
Passed 61 of 61 PASS in 7.760 seconds (using 37MB)
Licensed using the MIT license.
Inspired by sofa/laravel-kahlan.