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Support multi-threaded compilation for --build #30235

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vilicvane opened this issue Mar 6, 2019 · 43 comments
5 tasks done

Support multi-threaded compilation for --build #30235

vilicvane opened this issue Mar 6, 2019 · 43 comments
Awaiting More Feedback This means we'd like to hear from more people who would be helped by this feature Domain: tsc -b Issues related to build mode Scenario: Monorepos & Cross-Project References Relates to composite projects (a.k.a references between "medium sized projects") Suggestion An idea for TypeScript


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vilicvane commented Mar 6, 2019

Search Terms

Project references, multi-thread, compilation, performance


We have migrated our main project to use project references. It simplifies the development workflow, but brings basically 0 noticeable performance improvement (for both local development and CI). There's even an illusion that now we get worse performance during development.

I guess the main reason behind this is lacking support for multi-thread compilation.

Use Cases

Improve compilation performance.




My suggestion meets these guidelines:

  • This wouldn't be a breaking change in existing TypeScript/JavaScript code
  • This wouldn't change the runtime behavior of existing JavaScript code
  • This could be implemented without emitting different JS based on the types of the expressions
  • This isn't a runtime feature (e.g. library functionality, non-ECMAScript syntax with JavaScript output, etc.)
  • This feature would agree with the rest of TypeScript's Design Goals.
@RyanCavanaugh RyanCavanaugh added Suggestion An idea for TypeScript Awaiting More Feedback This means we'd like to hear from more people who would be helped by this feature labels Mar 7, 2019
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We'll be looking at multi-threaded stuff more when node's worker threads API leaves Experimental phase. It's certainly a ripe opportunity.

@DanielRosenwasser DanielRosenwasser added Domain: tsc -b Issues related to build mode Scenario: Monorepos & Cross-Project References Relates to composite projects (a.k.a references between "medium sized projects") labels Apr 12, 2019
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More keywords since I had trouble digging this up from #30900: multi-core multicore multithreading multithreaded multi-thread parallel concurrent spawn

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Node 12 just came out and while worker threads are still experimental, they no longer require any special node command line args to enable them. I believe 11.7 no longer required --experimental-worker.

Given that node 12 will become LTS in 6 months, now is a pretty good time to test this out. I would also bet typescript would be the biggest user and could help drive the internals of this API.

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avilesj commented May 2, 2019

@DanielRosenwasser I think I found this issue faster thanks to you.

@ericanderson I agree with you. Node 12 is out now and presents a very good opportunity to try a feature like this. Modern consumer-grade computers have a lot of power to leverage!

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nomcopter commented Sep 1, 2019

My project's TS compilation slowed down by a fair margin after switching from parallel lerna builds to project references. Almost definitely from this lack of parallelization. Would love to reap the benefits of both!

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ghost commented Sep 26, 2019

@RyanCavanaugh The worker threads API just left the experimental stage and were lifted to stable (see: Finally!

Can we expect now that they will be integrated into the compiler in the near future?

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aaomidi commented Oct 9, 2019

This would be a great addition to typescript. Our builds are currently taking a good 5-6 minutes to complete.

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starpit commented Oct 9, 2019

as part of the parallelization push, it would be nice if tsc could handle inter-reference dependencies better. right now, to the best of my knowledge, i am required to specify a linearization of the dependence dag in my references list. otherwise, compilation errors (and rather catastrophic ones at that) result.

a parallelization-by-ply strategy of the dependence dag would solve both issues (parallelization, and dependence management); and, it would seem to me that some recognition of the dependence dag is necessary, in any case?

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Bnaya commented Nov 23, 2019

@starpit you need to specify only your direct dependencies,
as long your direct dependencies specify their dependencies correctly.
Regarding circularities support see:

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starpit commented Nov 23, 2019

@starpit you need to specify only your direct dependencies,
as long your direct dependencies specify their dependencies correctly.
Regarding circularities support see:

hi @Bnaya, thanks for the reply! what i meant was that, to the best of my knowledge, we have to place the references in a particular order. otherwise, tsc will fail in the cases where reference B comes after reference A in the references list, but reference A depends on reference B.

i was suggesting that any parallelization of the compiler will need to do a topological sort, anyway (i'm assuming that we will be doing a by-ply parallelization). if so, then we can also avoid the requirement that references be topologically sorted, by hand.

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Bnaya commented Nov 23, 2019

If reference B have reference A in his references,
The builder will pick it up when building up B, and build A before.
I've made many mistakes setting references correctly, and missing one reference can make your build sometimes fail and sometimes pass.
So i've created a small cli tool to help me set it up based on dependency graph made by yarn workspace

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newtack commented Nov 30, 2019

Is this going to be part of 3.8?

Would love to get improved compilation speed sooner rather than later. Feature wise Typescript pretty much checks all the boxes (3.7 with optional chaining was last key feature missing), so from my side, focus on performance while ensuring it continues to be stable is most important.

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newtack commented Dec 29, 2019

Any update?

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I would also highly appreciate support for multi-threading.
Our working stations have anything between 6 and 16 cores and CPU utilization is way too low on all of them.

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timocov commented Feb 19, 2020

Just write my 2 cents about that.

tl;dr: try to compile your project with /~ and see/share your results 😂

If we want to speed-up the build by parallelization, we need to share the state between workers/threads (parsed source files, configs, fs cache, etc). Afaik nodejs doesn't provide a way to share the same object between threads (please correct me if I'm wrong) so we can only post serialized object and de-serialize it in receiver (for that we need to have implemented something like this). If we don't share the state - we'll parse the same stuff again and again in every worker requires that stuff, which might affect the performance.

In other hand, if we can compile every file inside the project in parallel, but it requires either change the compiler API from synchronous to asynchronous (to be honest I don't believe that this will be done sometime 😂) or having a way to "stop the world and wait until other thread/process finished" (see @DanielRosenwasser's tweet about that).

If we don't share the state - we'll parse the same stuff again and again in every worker requires that stuff, which might affect the performance.

Because of that, it's possible (just possible) that multi-threaded compilation (in any kind: workers or processes) won't increase your build as much as you expect it (at least for some projects).

I have a small piece of code which run compilation in parallel for independent projects and assumes that incremental and tsbuildinfo options will help to speedup the compilation of the node sub-project (see example), but it doesn't (of course, if I don't make a big mistake). I tested that "tool" with compiling TypeScript compiler itself and lightweight-charts library. The total time of compilation full solution (root of all composite projects) without caches was worse than if I run it with just tsc -b:

  • In case of lightweight-charts library the reason is that the tree of sub-projects' dependencies is just list (so no parallelization detected).
  • In case of TypeScript compiler my hypothesis is a lot of projects depend on src/compiler sub-project, which has 600kb d.ts file, which should be parsed in every project which depend on it.

Some of my assumptions can be inaccurate (or even all of them), just my thoughts.

If you wish, you can try to compile your project with /~ (don't forget to run tsc -b --clean before) and see results (I'll be happy to help you with any kind of issues you might faced with it). If it increases your build somehow, I'll be happy to make it production ready as much as possible 🙂

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tl;dr: try to compile your project with /~ and see/share your results 😂

@timocov Thank you for setting up that project. Just tested it out here on a TypeScript project with 253 packages on a Xeon W-2133 (6 cores @ 3.6ghz) with 32GB ram and got fairly good results (see below).

For a project like ours it looks like there'd be significant improvement (~30% faster) just implementing what you've done.

One thing worth noting is that it expectedly chews up my entire CPU. With the original 14 minute run my PC was still usable; however, on the 10 minute run it's completely unusable. It's clearly doing a bunch of redundant work, which is also expected from what you said. The workers version was slightly easier on the CPU, but only slightly.

To me this means our build machines would benefit more than our local machines. In our dev workflow it's relatively rare to have to do a full build of all of the projects.


> Measure-Command { tsc -b | Out-Host }

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 14
Seconds           : 9
Milliseconds      : 203
Ticks             : 8492037715
TotalDays         : 0.00982874735532407
TotalHours        : 0.235889936527778
TotalMinutes      : 14.1533961916667
TotalSeconds      : 849.2037715
TotalMilliseconds : 849203.7715

After (Processes):

> Measure-Command { node ..\..\parallel-typescript\index.js | Out-Host }

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 10
Seconds           : 9
Milliseconds      : 573
Ticks             : 6095731335
TotalDays         : 0.00705524460069444
TotalHours        : 0.169325870416667
TotalMinutes      : 10.159552225
TotalSeconds      : 609.5731335
TotalMilliseconds : 609573.1335

After (Workers):

> Measure-Command { node ..\..\parallel-typescript\index.js tsconfig.json node_modules/typescript/lib/tsc.js --workers | Out-Host }

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 9
Seconds           : 45
Milliseconds      : 854
Ticks             : 5858549663
TotalDays         : 0.00678072877662037
TotalHours        : 0.162737490638889
TotalMinutes      : 9.76424943833333
TotalSeconds      : 585.8549663
TotalMilliseconds : 585854.9663

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timocov commented Mar 3, 2020

significant improvement (~30% faster) just implementing what you've done.

Wow, that's really impressive. I didn't even think that I can find any project with improvement of speed here though 😂

One thing worth noting is that it expectedly chews up my entire CPU. With the original 14 minute run my PC was still usable; however, on the 10 minute run it's completely unusable

Yeah, I guess this is the cost of the parallelization.

To me this means our build machines would benefit more than our local machines. In our dev workflow it's relatively rare to have to do a full build of all of the projects.


@evandigby is it possible to share "build flow" for your project (the tool prints it at the start before the compilation)? Anyway thank you for the feedback!

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@timocov No problem! Here's the build flow:

build flow: [13,4,1,11,3,6,3,2,40,23,30,22,8,22,22,12,11,6,1,6,3,1,1,1,1,1]

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KingOss commented Aug 4, 2020

@timocov this is not completely true

Afaik nodejs doesn't provide a way to share the same object between threads (please correct me if I'm wrong)

If it's true that you cannot share the same object (i.e. share the memory area of the object) between threads, you can always use messages to share the object, manipulate it and re-send back the edited one.

For example:

const { Worker, isMainThread, parentPort } = require('worker_threads');

var obj = { /* what you need */ };
if (isMainThread) {
  const worker = new Worker(__filename);
  worker.once('message', (message) => {
    // edit data here and use condition to avoid "infinite loop", e.g. wrap the object in a "message object" with the status or the "kind" of message
    worker.postMessage(message); // message should contain the edited object
  // send first message to the worker process
  worker.postMessage(obj); // or, maybe is better to replace obj with { status: "status identifier", args: [ obj ] }
} else {
  parentPort.once('message', (message) => {
    // edit data here and use condition to avoid "infinite loop", e.g. wrap the object in a "message object" with the state or the "kind" of message

It can be a little tricky, but it is possible, I've done it to achieve a (really heavily customized) parallel typescript build in my company. Actually we're building with 4 parallel threads, with around a 30-40% of speed up (but the customization slows down the build process of around the 20%).

Note1: the code shown in the example has not been tested exactly as written and probably will require some fix to work properly. Sorry but I'm not authorized to copy-paste the code (and not even portions of it). For this example I've just edited the NodeJS documentation page to share my knowledge.

Note2: I didn't fully understand why, but if you use multiple process build (using child_process) instead of workers, the build speeds up of around 10% more _ but the memory increase of around 25%. We're not using this ways because our the build process of our application uses around 4-6GB of memory (consider that the source code disk size is around 10GB and the "application" is composed of 12 "sub-application") and with more TSC processes we easily reach 8GB 😆

Hope this can be useful! 😄

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timocov commented Aug 4, 2020

If it's true that you cannot share the same object (i.e. share the memory area of the object) between threads, you can always use messages to share the object, manipulate it and re-send back the edited one.

@KingOss Yes, I said that in case of sending/receiving the whole AST between workers to avoid unnecessary readings/parsings, e.g. you can't (or can?) send an object which has methods/functions in it.

It can be a little tricky, but it is possible, I've done it to achieve a (really heavily customized) parallel typescript build in my company.

Is it possible to open-source it?

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Bnaya commented Aug 4, 2020

@KingOss so i made this project for shared memory
Js objects, /~
I will be happy to give it a try with your tool

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chandde commented Mar 24, 2021

Is this ask on the agenda now? it's really awkward to see only 4 threads being utilized when building a large project and the rest 28 are idle like this.. (yes I love my 3950x). I hope we have this sorted out sooner.

Which part of tsc is supposed to take care of this, can someone share some pointers where to begin with, like I was the one to make this change. I'd love to contribute.


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chandde commented Mar 24, 2021

OK, I enlisted typescript engine code locally, played with it, and debugged a little bit, now I know there are build, CreateProgram, getNextInvalidatedProject etc. functions. However from below code in build function, seems like this is single threaded if you look at below function, an infinite while loop that picks next project one by one and build one by one,

        while (true) {
            var invalidatedProject = getNextInvalidatedProject(state, buildOrder, reportQueue);
            if (!invalidatedProject)
            reportQueue = false;
            if (!state.diagnostics.has(invalidatedProject.projectPath))

Seems like the magic of building the buildOrder is from function createBuildOrder, where a DFS algo is used, from root tsconfig.json, visit from top down till a package has no dependency, push the node to the queue, then trace back to the root package. While building the order, there is no graph information recorded, like the edges or the dependencies between each package. So there are two things,

  1. change the way createBuildOrder works, instead of a queue or list, make it a topologically sorted graph

a b c => d e f => h i j => k (k is the root)

  1. employ nodejs worker thread, instead of one package by one package, use workers to work on the same level at the same time (i.e. build a b c in parallel), then move to d e f, a couple things to consider,
    a. thread safe (lock), when working with multiple workers, need to make sure the workers are not competing each other, or build packages some other worker is already working on.
    b. worker management/dispatch, e.g. user configures 8 worker, but currently there is 10 packages on the same phase (2 workers will need a 2nd round for 9th and 10th package), or what if there is 6 packages (2 workers will starve)

Could also use some simple prediction for optimization, e.g. compute the total file * line for each package and sort them desc (or asc?), then schedule the packages by that order to workers one by one, to prevent worker starvation. Although this is I/O heavy and may introduce some overhead, we'll see.


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KingOss commented Mar 25, 2021

sorry the email of the quote has been marked as spam and I didn't see it, however

Is it possible to open-source it?

@timocov no, sorry, that code cannot be open-sourced because is a part of a commercial product.

In any case, as I've been the author of that code, if necessary I could re-write a semplified version of the same library, let me know if you'd like that 😉

so i made this project for shared memory
Js objects, /~
I will be happy to give it a try with your tool

@Bnaya if I'll rewrite the code I'll inform you 😁

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It can be a little tricky, but it is possible, I've done it to achieve a (really heavily customized) parallel typescript build in my company. Actually we're building with 4 parallel threads, with around a 30-40% of speed up (but the customization slows down the build process of around the 20%).

@KingOss I am curious, would you say that this speed-up would justify the invested time and added complexity of the parallel build process? Even if it does for your company/product, do you think it would make sense for the majority of TypeScript's user-base?

For a large codebase such as the one I was working on above (which has grown significantly since then) 30% can be a significant amount of time. For a small codebase that could be a few seconds (or it may be slower in very small projects given the 20% slow-down you describe).

I am wondering if one of the reasons this hasn't been attempted within the TypeScript team is that the cost/benefit of the parallelization just isn't there for the majority of the customer base.

To be clear, I am not affiliated with the TS team in any way so I'm speculating as much as anyone.

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timocov commented Mar 28, 2021

In any case, as I've been the author of that code, if necessary I could re-write a semplified version of the same library, let me know if you'd like that

@KingOss yes please, I think it might be very useful for others 👍

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KingOss commented Mar 31, 2021

@KingOss I am curious, would you say that this speed-up would justify the invested time and added complexity of the parallel build process? Even if it does for your company/product, do you think it would make sense for the majority of TypeScript's user-base?

To be clear, I am not affiliated with the TS team in any way so I'm speculating as much as anyone.

@evandigby well, it surely depends on the structure of the project. In our case the project is made of more than 3k TS files that generates more than 600 bundles. We're speaking of more than 3k objects.

In addiction, right now we're not using (for most of the files) the TS modules (as we are migrating them from JS and the migration to TS is still not completed).

In our case we notice a reduction of the build time from 22 minutes to around 15 minutes.

Applying the same approach only to the TS with module (around 100 bundle and around 300 files), the build time speed up is not so significant (less than 10%), but this part is only partially developed: to manage the parallel build with module: "None" we've created a "custom tsinfo" that works with /// <reference ... /> and this takes a relevant amount of time. Surely if we activate the incremental flag of TS standard build and we use the generated tsinfo, the process will be much more efficient.

@KingOss yes please, I think it might be very useful for others 👍

@timocov ok, then I'll prepare a PoC and I'll share it with you all.

However I'll make it really simple and partial, only for demonstration purpose. That's ok?

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lo1tuma commented Jun 28, 2021

I would be very interested in a feature like this. Currently my typescript build takes around 8 minutes. With the parallel-typescript tool I was able to reduce the build time to 3 minutes.

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pahlers commented Jul 10, 2021

If parallel-typescript is possible, would it be possible to let something like NVIDIA CUDA compile the code?

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jpike88 commented Jan 26, 2022


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m-rutter commented Feb 7, 2022

I have also tried out the parallel-typescript experiment, and I found a 35% reduction in compile times in a large project with 10 project references that could easily be broken down and reorganised further with this optimisation in mind. I do hope that this kind of feature get prioritised in the near future as it seems like pretty low hanging fruit even if it only works in batch mode as an MVP.

before (tsc -b): 115.14s

after (parallel-typescript): 74.97s

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@RyanCavanaugh Node.js Worker threads API has been stable for a while. Is this the time to bring multi-thread support to tsc?

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fer662 commented Mar 10, 2022

Please. My m1 pro laptop is beating my 5950x in transpiling times. This cannot stand haha.

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jpike88 commented Mar 10, 2022

What if, just hear me but what if there was also a focus of porting to Go, or WebAssembly? It would be great to also boost single-threaded performance and startup, tsc takes forever just to boot let alone compile a small project.

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alshdavid commented Jun 3, 2022

What if, just hear me but what if there was also a focus of porting to Go, or WebAssembly? It would be great to also boost single-threaded performance and startup, tsc takes forever just to boot let alone compile a small project.

Definitely agree. Using a better performing language like Go or Rust as the compiler back-end and FFI to communicate with it from a Node front end (CLI) is a sensible approach.

Parcel uses a Rust back end for compilation with a Node front end. What's awesome is this allowed the back end to be compiled to wasm and a front end written in the browser - allowing for its use in-browser.

TypeScript type checking is the bottle-neck as we rely on tsc for that, however compilation on my project was reduced by 800% using Parcel.

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the build process of around the 20%).

Note1: the code shown in the example has not been tested exactly as written and probably will require some fix to work properly. Sorry but I'm not authorized to copy-paste the code (and not even portions of it). For this example I've just edited the NodeJS documentation page to share my knowledge.

Note2: I didn't fully understand why, but if you use multiple process build (using child_process) instead of workers, the build speeds up of around 10% more _ but the memory increase of around 25%. We're not using this ways because our the build process of our application uses around 4-6GB of memory (consider that the source code disk size is around 10GB and the "application" is composed of 12 "sub-application") and with more TSC processes we easily reach 8GB

tl;dr: try to compile your project with /~ and see/share your results 😂

@timocov Thank you for setting up that project. Just tested it out here on a TypeScript project with 253 packages on a Xeon W-2133 (6 cores @ 3.6ghz) with 32GB ram and got fairly good results (see below).

For a project like ours it looks like there'd be significant improvement (~30% faster) just implementing what you've done.

One thing worth noting is that it expectedly chews up my entire CPU. With the original 14 minute run my PC was still usable; however, on the 10 minute run it's completely unusable. It's clearly doing a bunch of redundant work, which is also expected from what you said. The workers version was slightly easier on the CPU, but only slightly.

To me this means our build machines would benefit more than our local machines. In our dev workflow it's relatively rare to have to do a full build of all of the projects.


> Measure-Command { tsc -b | Out-Host }

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 14
Seconds           : 9
Milliseconds      : 203
Ticks             : 8492037715
TotalDays         : 0.00982874735532407
TotalHours        : 0.235889936527778
TotalMinutes      : 14.1533961916667
TotalSeconds      : 849.2037715
TotalMilliseconds : 849203.7715

After (Processes):

> Measure-Command { node ..\..\parallel-typescript\index.js | Out-Host }

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 10
Seconds           : 9
Milliseconds      : 573
Ticks             : 6095731335
TotalDays         : 0.00705524460069444
TotalHours        : 0.169325870416667
TotalMinutes      : 10.159552225
TotalSeconds      : 609.5731335
TotalMilliseconds : 609573.1335

After (Workers):

> Measure-Command { node ..\..\parallel-typescript\index.js tsconfig.json node_modules/typescript/lib/tsc.js --workers | Out-Host }

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 9
Seconds           : 45
Milliseconds      : 854
Ticks             : 5858549663
TotalDays         : 0.00678072877662037
TotalHours        : 0.162737490638889
TotalMinutes      : 9.76424943833333
TotalSeconds      : 585.8549663
TotalMilliseconds : 585854.9663

@evandigby how did u make this run?Upon using tsc -b in my project it shows a time of around 58 seconds but with parallel-typescript in usage it increases to 1min 46 seocnd and with parallel-typescript --workers to 1:35 seconds .
@m-rutter if u could also plz tell..

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avin-kavish commented Aug 4, 2022

This might be relavant here,

avin@avin-mint:~/code/kitchensink$ time ts-node -e ''

real    0m0.721s
user    0m1.306s
sys     0m0.075s

avin@avin-mint:~/code/kitchensink$ time ts-node --swc -e ''

real    0m0.178s
user    0m0.148s
sys     0m0.037s

Even on a single thread, without any code evaluate, the ts compiler takes extra ~600ms boot compared to swc. It looks like everything is being eagerly loaded. Maybe there's some perfomance to gain by lazy loading only the necessary parts of the compiler.

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ianldgs commented Aug 4, 2022

@avin-kavish the type-checker is a single 2 mb+ file: /~

swc doesn't do any type-checking, that's also why your second example is way faster.

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avin-kavish commented Aug 4, 2022

My point is that there’s no code to type check. Note the -e expression that passes empty code to evaluate

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ianldgs commented Aug 4, 2022

When, in a real-world scenario, would you not have code to type check, but would still invoke tsc or ts-node?

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Yeah, so what I am saying is, if the type checker is lazily loaded instead of all at once, then there wouldn’t be a ~600ms delay in starting to process.


const x: number = 1   <-- load number checker here

class Some { <-- load class checker here

interface SomeB { <-- load interface checker here

I.e. something like a JIT type interpreter. Looking at the way the type checker is written, it doesn't look possible without a complete rewrite, it's very monolithic.

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This is not how the typescript checker works. And remember, you will have libes2015, libdom or types/node need to be loaded before checking your file.

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Is it safe to assume, because of the massive effort of parallelizing the TS compiler (it apparently requires a full rewrite, if I've understood the previous comments correctly), that this issue is unlikely to be implemented in the short and long term?

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Awaiting More Feedback This means we'd like to hear from more people who would be helped by this feature Domain: tsc -b Issues related to build mode Scenario: Monorepos & Cross-Project References Relates to composite projects (a.k.a references between "medium sized projects") Suggestion An idea for TypeScript
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