- async_tls - a very simple example of asynchronous TLS using OpenSSL.
- c128 - 128-bit integer type with logic, shifts, arithmetic and bitmanip.
- c11atomic - C11 <stdatomic.h> compatibility headers for MSVC++.
- chashmap - simple open addressing hashmap, and linked hashmap in C11.
- cpipe - low latency concurrent pipe buffer using C11 threads and atomics.
- cpuident - a portable C program to read x86-64 cpuid processor information.
- crefl - a C-type-reflection-API and clang plug-in to write reflection metadata.
- cutty - an OpenGL terminal emulator using FreeType and HarfBuzz.
- emu - tiny x86 emulator example using the Windows Hypervisor Platform API.
- glcube - glcube is OpenGL cube demo in C11 using programmable shaders.
- glhull - glhull is an experiment to render béziergon convex interior hulls.
- glyb - text rendering and canvas experiment built on FreeType and HarfBuzz.
- glxsync - glxsync demonstrates extended frame synchronization for OpenGL with X11.
- maj2random - maj2random is a floating-point hash function derived from SHA-2.
- match - Rabin–Karp algorithm in C++ to find recurring substrings in a string.
- mule - simple thread pool implementation using the C11 thread support library.
- vf128 - variable length floating-point data format for IEEE 754 floating-point values.
- x86 - lightweight metadata driven x86 instruction encoder and decoder library.
- xi - Xi (aka ξ) is a search tool for the Unicode Character Database.
- xsnprintf - simplified high-performance snprintf string formatting replacement.
- zvec - zip_vector is a compressed variable length array that uses vectorized block codecs.
- libedit - cross-platform port of libedit/termcap/curses to Windows, BSD, macOS and Linux.
- giflib - cross-platform port of giflib that uses CMake on Windows, BSD, macOS and Linux.
- glkitty - port of the OpenGL gears demo to the kitty terminal graphics protocol.
- minilisp - branch of minilisp with a libedit repl for Windows, BSD, macOS and Linux.
- qemu - branch of QEMU with an embedded x86 disassembler.
- vkgears - port of the iconic gears demo to GLSL and the Vulkan API using GLFW.