allows to summarize
your data by groups defined by one or more variable
sysuse nlsw88.dta, clear
sumup hours, by(race)
sumup hours, by(union married)
- Use the detailed option to return detailed statistics
sumup hours, by(industry) detail
Use the
option to return a specific set of statistics (including any percentile)sumup hours, by(industry) statistics(p80)
is ten times faster than table, contents()
or tabstat
. Another difference is that the result returned by sumup
can be saved as a dataset with the option replace
or save(...)
is now available on SSC.
ssc install sumup
To install the latest version on Github
with Stata13+
net install sumup, from("")
with Stata 12 or older, download the zipfiles of the repositories and run in Stata the following commands:
net install sumup, from("SomeFolder")