Releases: mathiasvr/bluejay-configurator
Releases · mathiasvr/bluejay-configurator
NOTE: Bluejay Configurator will no longer be maintained!
Please use for future updates.
As a last resort you can try this standalone app if you cannot use a supported browser.
- Do not allow flashing simultaneously
- Update nw.js to 0.54.0
- Disable nw2 features
- Fix note conversion bugs in fromBluejayStartupMelody (#18)
- Update nw.js
- Work around old gulp-appdmg
- Update dependencies
- Add a note to wait for esc boot up before trying to Read setup
- Can play music only if the number of ESCs > 0
Check out ESC Configurator for a browser-based alternative to Bluejay Configurator.
It has a much nicer editor for working with melodies too. 🎶
- Display programmed PWM frequency
- Fix bug allowing writing defaults during flashing
- Add layouts (W, X, Y, Z)
Check out ESC Configurator for a browser-based alternative to Bluejay Configurator.
Bluejay v0.10 support
- Startup (rampup) power and low rpm protection setting has been divided into individual startup settings.
- A bug fix means that bidirectional directions are now reversed. This is consistent with normal directions and DShot commands.
- Startup Power has been renamed to Rampup Start Power and is now independent of the startup boost or kick.
- Instead, a new setting: Minimum Startup Power controls the power when starting motors and can also be disabled completely.
This seems to work well for smaller motors that may need more startup power but do not necessarily benefit from changes in rampup.
Please add any feedback you may have to the Bluejay repo.
Bluejay Configurator Beta
This is an early fork of BLHeli Configurator to install Bluejay firmware.