servicebus middleware to publish message receipt information to a central store, for message tracking and tracing purposes.
Set up the servicebus-trace middleware as follows:
var config = require('cconfig')();
var servicebus = require('servicebus');
var trace = require('servicebus-trace');
var bus = servicebus.bus({
url: config.RABBITMQ_URL
serviceName: 'my-service-name',
store: new trace.RedisStore({
host: config.REDIS_HOST || 'localhost',
port: config.REDIS_PORT || 6379
module.exports = bus;
At this moment, only the RedisStore is available.
Install servicebus-trace globally to allow using the servicebus-trace
npm install -g servicebus-trace
will display service middleware trace information from your local redis instance similar to below:
│ # │ correlationId / cid │ service name │ queue / routingKey │ type │ direction │ date │
│ 1 │ patient-sunset-4ybOWdDse │ test-service │ test.queue │ bla │ inbound │ Sat Aug 31 48120 11:17:46 GMT-0400 (EDT) │
│ 2 │ patient-sunset-4ybOWdDse │ test-service │ test.queue │ bla │ outbound │ Sat Aug 31 48120 11:17:41 GMT-0400 (EDT) │