A dashboard to display data exported by Speedtest Tracker v2 . Avalible Now at Grafana Dashboard 17808 (https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/17808-speedtest-tracker-v2-influxdbv2/)
This dashboard shows data collected by Speedtest Tracker v2 /~https://github.com/alexjustesen/speedtest-tracker and exported in an InfluxDBv2 database in the bucket.
Dashboard based on my previous dashboard Speedtest Tracker - InfluxDBv2 with guide for OLD Speedtest Tracker app. https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/16428-speedtest-tracker/
Same steps here as before for exporting data but without needs for influxDBv1. Check Here
17.1.25 - Removed personalisations, reverted bucket variable to expected standard (speedtest-tracker-new,speedtest-tracker-cloud > speedtest-tracker), reverted IP:port to expected (9443>8443). Updated README.md for customisations.
8.12.24 - Fixed time in Latest result panel.
7.12.24 - Compatibility Update for Speedtest Tracker v0.25 some fields have been moved to tags + some fixes.
14.8.24 - More Panels added + some fixes.
20.4.24 - Panels fixed + Avg Speed fixed.
6.4.24 - Added Multi bucket support.
You can change bucket name and add multiple buckets (comma separated list):
Go to Dashboard Setting > Variables > bucket > Custom options
You can update the link to your speedtest-tracker application:
Go to Dashboard Setting > Links > Speedtest Tracker v2 App
1. Create bucket in InfluxDBv2: speedtest-tracker
2.1 Create or use existing API token (ALL ACCESS) for Grafana and auth.
2.2 Create API token (read/write) for this bucket to use with speedtest-tracker or use existing.
3. Configure Speedtest Tracker application with relevant InfluxDBv2 configuration: URL, org, bucket, token, etc..., and 'Test connection'
4. Check in InfluxDBv2 in Data Explorer that test data exists in bucket
5. Configure Grafana to use with data from InfluxDBv2 ( Select Datasource = InfluxDB , Query Language = Flux , Organization = yourorg , Bucket = speedtest-tracker , Token = yourtoken for bucket )
6. Import this dashboard to Grafana (Dashboard > New > Import) using link in README.md
7. Return to Speedtest Tracker application and Export data to InfluxDB (Settings > Data Integration > Export current results)
7. Enjoy