Please refer this Fully functional OAuth 2.0 Implementation with production example with node-oauth2-server#2.4.0
Supports "oauth2-server": "^3.0.0-b2",
git clone /~
npm install
npm start or node ./bin/www
The module provides two middlewares, one for authorization and routing, another for error handling, use them as you would any other middleware:
var express = require('express');
var oauthServer = require('oauth2-server');
var Request = oauthServer.Request;
var Response = oauthServer.Response;
var authenticate = require('./components/oauth/authenticate')
var app = express();
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
// /~
var oauth = new oauthServer({
model: require('./models.js')
app.all('/oauth/token', function(req,res,next){
var request = new Request(req);
var response = new Response(res);
.then(function(token) {
// Todo: remove unnecessary values in response
return res.json(token)
return res.status( 500).json(err)
});'/authorise', function(req, res){
var request = new Request(req);
var response = new Response(res);
return oauth.authorize(request, response).then(function(success) {
res.status(err.code || 500).json(err)
app.get('/secure', authenticate(), function(req,res){
res.json({message: 'Secure data'})
app.get('/me', authenticate(), function(req,res){
me: req.user,
messsage: 'Authorization success, Without Scopes, Try accessing /profile with `profile` scope',
description: 'Try postman',
more: 'pass `profile` scope while Authorize'
app.get('/profile', authenticate({scope:'profile'}), function(req,res){
profile: req.user
After running with node, visting should present you with a json response saying your access token could not be found.
To simulate, Use Postman:
- Supports authorization_code, password, refresh_token, client_credentials and extension (custom) grant types
- Implicitly supports any form of storage e.g. PostgreSQL, MySQL, Mongo, Redis...
- Full test suite
See SQL file in /sql
The module requires a model object through which some aspects or storage, retrieval and custom validation are abstracted. The last parameter of all methods is a callback of which the first parameter is always used to indicate an error.
Note: see /~ for a full model example using MySQL.
References: /~