Sending emails (with PHPMailer) and queue management.
The preferred (and only supported) way of installing charcoal-email is with composer:
composer require locomotivemtl/charcoal-email
PHP 5.6+
- PHP 7.3+ is highly recommended
- Dependency injection Container (required for the Service Provider)
π All optional depedencies are required for development. All other development dependencies, which are optional when using charcoal-email in a project, are described in the Development section of this README file.
$email = $container['email'];
'campaign' => 'Campaign identifier'
'to' => [
'"Some guy" <>',
'name' => 'Other guy',
'email' => ''
'bcc' => ''
'from' => '"Company inc." <>',
'reply_to' => [
'name' => 'Jack CEO',
'email' => ''
'subject' => $this->translator->trans('Email subject'),
'template_ident' => 'foo/email/default-email'
'attachments' => [
// Alternately, to send at a later date / use the queue system:
$email->queue('in 5 minutes');
The entire email system can be configured from the main app config, in the email
config key.
"email": {
"smtp": true,
"smtp_hostname": "",
"smtp_port": 25,
"smtp_security": "tls",
"smtp_username": "",
"smtp_password": "password",
"default_from": "",
"default_reply_to": "",
"default_track": false,
"default_log": true
All email services can be quickly registered to a (pimple
) container with \Charcoal\Email\ServiceProvider\EmailServiceProvider
Provided services:
Service | Type | Description |
Email 1 |
An email object (factory). | |
email/factory | FactoryInterface 2 |
An email factory, to create email objects. |
1 \Charcoal\Email\Email
2 Charcoal\Factory\FactoryInterface
Also available are the following helpers:
Helper Service | Type | Description |
email/config | EmailConfig 3 |
Email configuration. |
email/view | ViewInterface 4 |
The view object to render email templates ($container['view'] ). |
3 \Charcoal\Email\EmailConfig
4 \Charcoal\View\ViewInterface
π For charcoal projects, simply add this provider to your config to enable:
{ "service_providers": { "charcoal/email/service-provider/email": {} } }
For the email service provider to work properly, the following services are expected to e registerd on the same container:
To install the development environment:
composer install --prefer-source
To run the scripts (phplint, phpcs and phpunit):
composer test
Service | Badge | Description |
Travis | Runs code sniff check and unit tests. Auto-generates API documentation. | |
Scrutinizer | Code quality checker. Also validates API documentation quality. | |
Coveralls | Unit Tests code coverage. | |
Sensiolabs | Another code quality checker, focused on PHP. |
The Charcoal-Email module follows the Charcoal coding-style:
- PSR-1
- PSR-2
- PSR-4, autoloading is therefore provided by Composer.
- phpDocumentor comments.
- Read the phpcs.xml file for all the details on code style.
Coding style validation / enforcement can be performed with
composer phpcs
. An auto-fixer is also available withcomposer phpcbf
Charcoal is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.